The Ultimate Guide to NFTs and Phygital Collectibles

The Ultimate Guide to NFTs and Phygital Collectibles

But beyond these world-famous examples, the universe of NFTs is developing in several niches, including digital entertainment, video content, digital art and games. And this new booming industry offers unprecedented and almost endless opportunities for creators.

So, how do you get started marketing your digital art and make a living selling NFTs and phygital collectibles? Although a lot depends on your art and your goals, this quick start guide by Authena can help you understand how to take NFT collection to the next level. Let’s dive in!

What are NFTs?

To understand how to market your collectibles, it is first and foremost important to understand what you are trying to sell. While there are a few similarities between NFTs and phygital assets – including the fact that they rely on underlying blockchain infrastructures – these two collectibles are different. Here’s what you need to know.

Non-Fungible Tokens (aka NFTs) are a type of single-issue digital collectible with a unique value. NFTs can take many forms, including digital clothing, digital real estate, virtual art, and virtual furniture, and can be exchanged within compatible Metaverse spaces.

Although the technology behind NFT is still in development, the potential it has shown so far is expected to drive the industry through the next few years, with revenues from NFT trading predicted to reach a whopping $8,412.00 million by 2027.

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What are phygital collectibles?

While there are a few similarities between NFTs and phygital collectibles, the two assets are not exactly the same. In fact, phygital collectibles often refer to items that have both digital and physical components.

So if buying an NFT means buying the string of codes associated with a physical object, buying a phygital collectible means buying the physical asset through a unique digital code.

Marketing your NFT collection: Everything you need to know

As NFTs become more popular in a variety of industries, your collection of exclusive NFT and phygital merchandise has an opportunity to take off and garner significant sales. However, none of this can be achieved without a bulletproof marketing strategy. After all, the competition for creators of NFT and digital collectibles has never been fiercer.

So, where do you start? The marketing strategies below can help!

Find the right platform to market and sell your collectibles

The first step is to understand what are the best platforms, directories and marketplaces to sell your NFTs.

If your digital collectibles were created to exist in a specific metaverse, you’ll want to look to sell your collectibles in an in-game store and through in-game cryptocurrencies. For example, Web3 games such as Axie Infinity have in-game digital coins (AXS), a digital currency currently trading at $7.82 that can be used to purchase virtual assets.

Alternatively, if you’ve created digital artwork and you want to sell the NFT associated with it, consider NFT marketplaces and directories like OpenSea. While these large marketplaces can certainly give visibility to your creations, don’t forget that the competition can be fierce!

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Leverage authentication strategies to increase user trust

One of the reasons behind the unprecedented popularity of digital and phygital assets is that they cannot be tampered with. In fact, any NFT transaction is immutably recorded on the blockchain thanks to the use of smart contracts and decentralized protocols.

Nevertheless, when selling items from your phygital and NFT collection, it is good practice to use end-to-end authentication systems that allow buyers to track and trace the collectibles they have purchased, such as those tailored by the authentication experts at Authena.

Take advantage of social media and create a trusted network of partners

While having a large audience can increase your chances of closing an NFT sale, it is important to appreciate a smaller but more dedicated audience.

On marketplaces like OpenSea, you’ll be able to expose your creations to the eyes of millions of potential buyers. But if you want to leverage a more personal connection with them, be sure to look beyond the marketplace itself! Instead, set up a thriving and engaging social media community and make sure you interact with your audience!

Engage with your audience through giveaways and high-quality content

Producing NFTs and phygital collectibles is just the first part of the job! Once your collection is ready, you need to market it and advertise it. And to do that, you need to find alternative ways to connect with your audience.

A great way to generate organic traffic and attract the interest of potential buyers is through giveaways. These can help your audience get to know your art and increase engagement.

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Alternatively, consider focusing on content! High quality descriptions, behind the scenes and ‘meet the artist’ sessions can help your audience get to know you better and connect on a more personal level.

Always make better phygital collectibles

One of the biggest advantages of NFTs is that the design options are endless. So while you may be looking for ways to market your current NFT collection, don’t forget to get started on your next project and make better collectibles to sell.

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