NFT hotel bookings that can be resold if you can’t make it

NFT hotel bookings that can be resold if you can’t make it

NFT hotel bookings: The tourism industry is heading towards the blockchain. They now use NFTs to sell travel products that can be resold if the buyer cannot make the trip.

Italian company Takyon has a new product that uses NFTs to represent orders. The startup wants to make a radical change in the way customers think about travel.

The mechanism will be based on the so-called resale prices. A resale price allows the guest to sell it and transfer it in case they can’t use the reservation. This new product has come to life in the current economic context, full of change and volatility.

When a guest books accommodation at a resale price, the company generates a non-fungible token (NFT) representing the property. As an NFT, it can be transferred in a secure and verifiable manner to any user anywhere in the world. This is without both parties needing to know each other. They do not need to have a relationship of trust between them.

NFT hotel bookings

Takyon is an innovative startup with three young entrepreneurs behind it – Antonio Picozzi, Giuseppe Monteleone and Niccolò Francesco Marino. The goal is to change the travel booking market in Italy. In just a few days since its inception; the company gathered 5,000 followers on Instagram and more than 1.3 thousand visits to the website.

Takyon wants to become the tool for booking stays and experiences through NFTs, and guarantees flexibility, sustainability and uniqueness for travelers.

The company can transform a reservation into a digital asset (NFT) by removing the name of the buyer and making it resaleable. While doing this, they create a resale price, which is a non-refundable prepaid reservation fee. It costs an average of 20% less compared to the regular refundable rate.

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NFT Hotel Bookings NFTs

Need new paradigms

Antonio Picozzi is CEO and co-founder of Takyon. He says that travel services, and consequently hotels, need a new paradigm that simplifies the same functions that have been performed for years. Antonio sees NFTs as the missing piece of the puzzle.

“We want to create a new paradigm in the travel booking world. This involves moving from the current logic of reserve denomination to having a reserve in the form of NFTs. By doing so, our users will be able to exchange trips and create unique experiences and memories.”

Giuseppe Monteleone is the CMO and another co-founder of the startup. He prefers to talk about benefits rather than changes.

“There are many advantages for all players in the tourism industry and our partners support us. A few days ago we published the first NFT with the Grand Hotel Victoria. It is a flagship property on Lake Como. Other partners join us to receive the exclusive benefits of being part of our network.”


For speculators, there may come a day when you could buy a holiday package up to a year before the holiday. Then you can sell it to people at the last minute who are willing to pay double to secure a trip because they didn’t organize a year ago.

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