Richard Garriott’s NFT MMO Asks You to “Buy Land in Lord British’s Realm”

Richard Garriott’s NFT MMO Asks You to “Buy Land in Lord British’s Realm”

As discovered by Massively Overpowered (opens in a new tab)Ultima creator Richard Garriott’s next project, a blockchain MMO previously code-named Effigy, was given an official name, Iron and Magic (opens in a new tab), as well as a website. The site features walkthroughs of a selection of fantasy locales, as well as a supporting store of plots, buildings, and the ability to “buy land in Lord British’s realm.”

In an interview with PC Gamer (opens in a new tab) back in April, Garriott and developer Todd Porter made the case for the game and its blockchain features. Despite some interesting musings about Ultima Online’s digital economy, Garriott and Porter don’t seem to be offering anything you haven’t heard from other NFT developers before: the promise of “owning” your digital assets and “earning” some form of financial compensation from the gaming you do in your spare time, or as Garriott put it, “We certainly do more for the players than just, when they put their money down, they play the game and all they get out of it is 60 hours of fun.”

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