Cuyler Pagano Crushes NFT Comic Book Crowdfunding Goal

Cuyler Pagano Crushes NFT Comic Book Crowdfunding Goal

NFT cartoonist and CEO of Abraxas DAO celebrates crowdfunding success.

ALBUQUERQUE, NM, 7 September 2022 /PRNewswire/ — CEO and founder of Abraxas DAO, Cuyler Pagano is extremely excited about the successful launch of its first cartoon. Punkin Patch Issue #1, Rise of the Punkins, far exceeded his expectations, crushing his crowdfunding goal by 945%. Going into the campaign with little to no followers and no name recognition meant it would take some serious work and marketing to get in front of potential buyers and build his reputation in the comic. However, after only 12 hours Punkin Patch had been fully funded and continued to grow.

“The Punkin Patch is a fun Halloween story that can be enjoyed by young and old alike, so it’s no surprise that it caught on quickly,” says Pagano. “Halloween seems to be one of those occasions that has a great community, and people who love it love everything about it,” Pagano continued. “We brought in some great artists and we’re really excited to see the fans take to it!”

The Punkin Patch is the first comic release by Pagano and Abraxas DAO, which boasts integration with web3 technology. Web3 (also known as Web 3.0) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web, which includes concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies and token-based economics, where user information is securely stored on a decentralized blockchain and accessed by the user’s cryptocurrency wallet or a non-fungible token in said wallet.

Each physical comic comes with a QR code that can be scanned by the owner to unlock a free NFT version of the comic. The NFT comic can be read online by the owner and will also have future yet-to-be-announced utility within the Abraxas DAO ecosystem.

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If you missed the comic launch, you may still be able to pick up issue #1 on the website sometime in October after the first crowdfunding orders have been sent. There were a limited number of all the different comic book covers, and any unsold comics will be put up for sale online and made available at in-person comic book events. There will also be opportunities to win them as prizes in special giveaways and future competitions. For more information on your chances of getting a comic, be sure to follow Abraxas Dao’s social media accounts and join their discord server.

Following the successful launch of the comic, Abraxas will release a Punkin Patch game that can be played on your mobile device and PC. The game will also integrate with web3 technology by allowing users to withdraw their in-game currency for cryptocurrency which can then be traded for USD. The game will also have some cool extra features for NFT holders of Crypto Punkinsfor example, the ability to use your NFT Punkin as your in-game avatar and earn additional reward bonuses and multipliers.

Punkin Patch is a fun launcher game with gravity mechanics where the user launches their Punkin to knock down various obstacles and defeat the dreaded orcs. This is something we see in issue 1 of the comic and follows the theme of Punkins working to defeat the Orc Army and Punkin Smasher. Like the cartoon, the game looks to be fun for all ages. Something to give to your child or grandma for hours of Halloween themed entertainment.

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Pagano also states that Abraxas DAO has plans for future Punkin Patch comics to be released every summer leading up to Halloween. There are also plans for Punkin Patch to be expanded into an animated series, although nothing concrete has been announced.

About Abraxas

Cuyler Pagano is the creator of Punkin Patch, as well as the founder and CEO of Abraxas DAO. Abraxas DAO is a Web3 entertainment company focused on games, comics and unique digital experiences. The company offers NFT coinage and marketing services to digital artists and content creators. Visit to learn more.


Marissa A. Kasarov


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