3 popular NFT launches in 2022 and how they have fared

3 popular NFT launches in 2022 and how they have fared

Do non-fungible tokens (NFTs) compete well against their close cousin cryptocurrencies? A few analysts even suggest that NFT assets are forging their own path. Previous big-ticket transactions in the space, including some assets from Beeple and CryptoPunk, support this theory.

However, the current year has not only created chaos for cryptocurrencies, even NFTs are under pressure. Today, let’s turn back the clock to look at how some of the most popular NFT launches this year have performed. Could they repeat the success of Beeple and CryptoPunk? Below are three of the most popular NFT launches in 2022.

1. Top Gun: Maverick NFTs

The film starring Tom Cruise garnered critical acclaim and also proved to be a resounding box office success. Cruise mesmerized audiences worldwide as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in this action film, which was a sequel to Top Gun (1986).

The release of the film received a boost when linked digital assets were announced. RECUR, an NFT marketplace with minting and transaction capabilities, dropped a limited edition collectible for Top Gun fans. These collectibles are digital assets of helmets used in Top Gun movies. The original drop was intended for those who attended a special screening of the film on May 24, 2022.

Tickets can be exchanged for Top Gun collectibles, which can then be kept by the winner or resold on marketplaces such as OpenSea. RECUR passport holders were eligible for additional benefits.

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Truncated to August 2022, OpenSea has these NFTs listed on its platform. At the time of writing, their floor price is mentioned as 0.01 ETH tokens. Only 139 owners exist for over 23,000 assets in the collection, reflecting the craze for the Top Gun: Maverick NFT collection is not high.

2. Nickelodeon NFTs

Nickelodeon’s digital assets created a lot of buzz in the NFT world this year. RECUR supports the minting of these assets. “Nostalgic” characters from shows like Rugrats are available in the collection. Furthermore, these collectibles can be exchanged for “slime”. 10 such slimes can also be exchanged for what are called Mashups, a combination of characters.

Nickelodeon NFTs are listed on a separate marketplace, which lists the floor price as $90, at the time of writing. The price is as high as US$999,999.99, but recent sales show muted movement. One asset, Husie #13, recently sold for $800, and another, Arnold Shortman #46, for $333.33. In this way, Nickelodeon NFTs have outperformed Top Gun: Maverick NFTs.

Sale price of Beeple's NFTs

3. Madonna NFTs

From actors like Bill Murray to athletes like Coco Gauff, this year saw many famous people enter the world of NFT.

Pop star Madonna arguably attracted the most attention when she announced the release of her NFT collection. Madonna teamed up with artist Beeple, known for her expensive works like Everydays and HUMAN ONE, to launch NFTs at SuperRare. The collection, titled Mother of Creation, had animated videos that also drew criticism for nudity.

According to SuperRare, the last sale price for one of the NFTs was 66.5 ETH tokens, while for another it was 72.05 ETH. This makes Madonna NFTs the most successful among the three, even though Madonna’s collection has a smaller number of assets compared to the two above.

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Previous NFT sales

The reason why 2022 could be said to have been boring for NFTs, despite the entry of many popular names, is the prices at which digital collectibles have sold in the past. Artists like Beeple and Pak have seen their belongings fetch millions of dollars at auction. A few of the assets from the CryptoPunk and BAYC collections have also seen similar success.

The bottom line

At the time of writing, Bitcoin and Ethereum have both lost more than half of their value since the beginning of this year. The latest news is Michael Saylor’s exit from MicroStrategy’s CEO role. He steered the company toward acquiring Bitcoin, but recent financial results reflect severe losses from those acquisitions. NFTers seem to be reeling from similar sentiments this year despite names like Madonna and Nickelodeon.

also read: Is Bitcoin to Blame for Saylor’s Quit as MicroStrategy’s CEO?

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