Why is COTI (COTI) crypto zooming today?

Why is COTI (COTI) crypto zooming today?

COTI (COTI) crypto claims to be the first business-focused platform, which allows them to build their own payment solutions. COTI also allows them to digitize currency, thus saving time and money. As a blockchain protocol with a focus on payment solutions, it addresses vendors, governments, payment DApps and stablecoin issuers.

As a Layer-1 blockchain platform, it operates on the Proof-of-Trust (PoT) consensus to validate the transaction. COTI combines the DAG twin function and a function that makes the system scalable, private, inclusive and fast.

On July 18, COTI witnessed a rally when it was up 4.89% and a volume increase of 17.37%, according to CoinMarketCap.

Why does COTI come together?

The exact cause of the COTI rally today is unclear, but it appears to be creating waves after COTI’s announcement of the release date for the MultiDAG 2.0 hard fork. COTI’s MultiDAG 2.0 hard fork is expected to take place on August 2, which will see COTI launch a new DAG token CMD (COTI MultiDAG).

The CMD protocol is expected to allow corporate tokens to be generated and embossed on COTI’s Trustchain. These tokens are expected to see the features of Trustchain, which will include features such as high throughput, lower costs and seamless payment applications.

What makes COTI crypto unique is its ability to process almost any type of payment type, including stack coins and cryptocurrencies. With features such as built-in financing, it is able to connect to the payment network with white labels. A white label payment gateway is a form of personal payment solution that allows companies to bring their own payment solutions.

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COTI price performance

COTI, according to CoinMarketCap, traded at $ 0.104705 with a volume of $ over the last 24 hours. The token had a market value of USD 10,97,46,139 and 1,04,81,41,495 COTI coins in circulation.

In the last month, COTI has increased by almost 18.4%. In one week it has increased by 9.4%. The rally at this time has worked for COTI’s investors, who hope that the rally will strengthen for a while longer.

But cryptocurrencies are known for their volatile nature. So investors should be extra careful before investing their money.

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