The year in NFT buffoonery: Rug pulls, hacks and bad choices

The year in NFT buffoonery: Rug pulls, hacks and bad choices

Has anything good ever come from NFTs? Except Christopher Moltisanti meme (opens in a new tab), I mean. I really can’t think of anything. The functionality they offer games is technically different from what has been available for years through conventional microtransaction sales, but it’s practically the same for non-gamers as financial speculators, and the whole business of making, buying and selling them. is overrun by corruption and crime. “A useless, expensive, ecologically destructive technology,” is how the French trade union Solidaires Informatique (opens in a new tab) described it and I have no notes.

I myself have a rather simple approach to the whole thing: No thanks. It’s served me well so far, because I haven’t been drained of money by fast-talking scammers selling bad scraps, nor have I missed out on any gaming experiences that could even be described as compelling. Tfue card (opens in a new tab)? Tiny little numbers (opens in a new tab) on my Tom Clancy helmet? Atari (opens in a new tab)? No thanks. See, it’s simple.

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