Family-friendly NFTs bring the next generation of youth into Web3

Family-friendly NFTs bring the next generation of youth into Web3

Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) continue to be a dominant force within the Web3 space to drive innovation and adoption. As the space continues to push into mainstream adoption, Web3 will reach new demographics, including youth.

Recently, entertainment major Disney, which is very anti-kid, has expanded to include crypto-savvy team members and partnered with the Polygon blockchain network.

Such a development suggests an imminent entry of major entertainment companies into the Web3 world. However, big questions arise if Web3 content is to be created for minors, for example how does an NFT become child-friendly? How does true ownership work when minors are involved?

Cointelegraph spoke with Jeremy Fisher, an artist and the founder of Lucky Ducky – a family-friendly NFT collection – about how to create Web3 content for kids and bring them into next-generation digital interactions.

While there have been cases of NFTs being used and even created by children, such as the 9-year-old girl who fell in love with cats and created a cat NFT collection, Fisher believes that parents are still the ones who should consider which projects to support while their children are still young.

It’s “just like supporting your favorite production studio in the early days,” he said.

“We believe that buying and trading should be handled by adults. Once the collection has been created and financed, there are many products that can spin out of the concept.

Fisher said the Lucky Ducky NFT characters are all from a new family-friendly animated series that is also in the works. He said that for children, popular children’s shows are excellent ways to introduce Web3 concepts and “shine the spotlight on existing IP and NFTs.”

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Since the Web3 site is still in its “wild west” phase, Fisher said NFTs and many Web3 activities aimed at minors should still be supervised by parents.

“It is advisable for parents to have control over everything their children interact with that involves Web3.”

As the technology becomes more pervasive, he expects Web3 tools and features to “run in the background of games and collectibles to facilitate commerce,” with built-in protections and parental controls.

Nevertheless, because NFTs are great tools for general mass adoption and teaching newcomers about the space, the same is true for younger generations.

“NFTs are a really great tool for learning about investing like how a pretend stock trading game teaches how the stock market works.”

Fisher harked back to the days when he received a savings bond from parents or family members.

“We could see the same use case playing out where adults set up a wallet for the child with some NFTs to hold and then give them when they’re older and see how some of their favorite projects have accrued value.”

Not only will these digital resources inform young users how to interact with digital reality, but the education from NFTs can also be endless. There are already Bitcoin-themed games and educational tools, including bedtime stories, aimed at children to inform them about the use of the cryptocurrency.