Next generation NFT usage will be led by, Decentraland and ApeCoin

Next generation NFT usage will be led by, Decentraland and ApeCoin

With massive price increases during the initial period of acceptance of NFTs, some investors may be concerned that growth is now a thing of the past. But we believe that despite some small dips, NFTs are here to stay and that specific projects will still have a strong future.

So if you missed the initial boom, it’s not too late to get involved. NFTs will still significantly influence the market and bring gains to your portfolio. However, the utility will be crucial, as people may now no longer be willing to spend huge sums on NFT art or other assets. But NFTs still have a future, especially with one of these projects:

Uniglo (GLO)

Uniglo is one of the most comprehensive new projects many experts have ever seen, and we agree that it could be the best investment for your portfolio in the coming months. As part of the innovative GLO Vault, NFTs are purchased and stored alongside other cryptos, digital gold and more. These assets provide a fixed base price and their diversification protects the project from wild swings or market volatility. By harnessing the power of a new generation of NFTs along with other assets, GLO is poised for solid and steady growth. It’s still available at a discount in the final pre-sale phase for a few more weeks, so now is the perfect time to invest.

Decentralized Land (MANA)

Decentraland is an exciting blockchain project that allows people to create their own virtual experiences in their metaverse. With the ability to buy and sell land, create buildings and enjoy an immersive experience supported by NFT technology, MANA still has a bright future despite its recent struggles. It could be part of the next generation NFT success.

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ApeCoin (APE)

Another project that could be part of the next-generation NFT success is ApeCoin, which aims to unite the worlds of physical and digital events with its gaming, art and entertainment platform. This could have critical mainstream appeal, making it a solid investment for your portfolio.


APE and MANA look like solid investments if you want to be part of the next generation of NFT growth. But GLO allows you to enjoy NFT growth without being exposed to too much risk, so it may be the best current choice.

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