Nike NFT sale overcomes technical issues and reaches $1 million in revenue

Although the first round was originally proposed to last just two days, technical glitches and delays caused it to drag on for nine days.

Technical issues and unprecedented delays could not deter the Nike NFT, OF1 collection, from setting impressive records with its highly anticipated sales. This follows after the NFT sale, which started just over a week ago, is said to have officially collected over 1 million dollars.

Our Force 1 (OF1) collection debuted on Nike’s .SWOOSH Web3 platform and began selling on May 15th. It was about a week later than originally planned, after initially having announced a start date of May 8.

The first round of sales, which Nike called “First Access”, was only open to a few users who were randomly selected and allowed to take part in an airdrop of “posters”. According to Nike, the airdrop distributed 106,453 posters that would later serve as early entry tickets for users.

Although the first round was originally proposed to last just two days, technical glitches and delays caused it to drag on for nine days. The site crashed frequently, causing users to have an uneven embossing experience.

Nike NFT records success amid website crashes and errors

On Wednesday, May 24, the “General Access” sale finally began with the hope of offloading what is left of the total holding of 106,453 NFTs. But this too was met with many setbacks. The site was again plagued with processing delays. And there were cases where users claimed to have been charged for OF1 NFTs they did not receive.

In response to the complaints, .SWOOSH stated that they were aware of the situation. The platform claimed to have “encountered an unforeseen error that held up the minting process”, and “blocked further purchases”.

However, as of Friday morning, 70,734 NFTs had been sold, according to Polygonscan. And considering that each NFT is priced at $19.82, Nike has raked in over $1.4 million from the sale so far. The sale is still ongoing and is expected to last until 1 June.

So, despite the setbacks, the number of OF1 boxes sold to over 41,600 unique buyers suggests that the sale has been a success. But it really could have been more if you keep in mind the large number of users who were eagerly waiting to buy these NFTs.


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