UX designers afraid of blockchain. Here’s why.

UX designers afraid of blockchain.  Here’s why.

I must admit: I’m scared of blockchain. I started working in the room a couple of years ago and I’m still in advanced beginner status. It’s an unknown feeling: I’ve encountered dozens of new technologies and domains during my 20+ year UX career, but it’s never felt that way.

I am also completely unscared. I know I can add value to any blockchain project that has users.

Blockchain needs UX immediately, but it is not ready for all that UX entails.

There are several good reasons why UX people are intimidated by blockchain. If you’re one of those people, I’m here to confirm. I’m also here to remind you that there are many reasons why you should not be intimidated and why you should start learning more about blockchain now.

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Why users are intimidated by Blockchain

Blockchain is difficult

Usually, when you encounter new technologies, it’s kind of like being a Spanish speaker to find yourself in France. You can do it. For example, mobile user interfaces were originally desktop interface customizations. We found the way, used what we knew and quickly gave value.

Blockchain feels like being a fluent Spanish speaker on the planet Vulcan. There are no easy waypoints, useful similarities are few and far between, and it’s incredibly disturbing (and vaguely threatening) to be the only one in the room who does not understand.

You do not need to know everything about blockchain. It seems impossible.

To design for the internet, you do not need to know how packages work, but to break into the blockchain, at least in the short term, you need to know some of the technology because the technology and value of things built on that technology are deeply intertwined. . Also, many blockchain user interfaces will need to communicate at least a little bit about how blockchain works to users, especially if the product trades in worlds of trust, identity or economy. Fortunately, you do not need to know that everything about blockchain. It seems impossible.

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Blockchain is huge

There’s a reason people say blockchain has the potential to disrupt the internet: It does. Blockchain is already changing things as big as money, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Cryptocurrencies are for blockchain as e-mail is to the internet: it is just one of the many things made possible by a huge system. The scope of the potential, and the fact that all this potential is built on a gigantic new infrastructure, makes the domain feel unmanageable for newcomers.

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Blockchain is. . . Disturbing

Did we really need to reinvent money? Who knows, but it happens. The spirit of the blockchain is that everything may need to be reinvented, including software design and the development process. Startups are trying to build something new and they are trying to build that thing in a whole new way. Blockchain is a huge, exciting hammer, so of course everything looks like a nail.

It’s also weird working on projects that try to fix things that do not break by creating products users have not requested.

It can be challenging when you come up with advice and methods that are in some way considered old, and which include best practice, heuristics, user testing, iterative design … you name it. UX is used to being a fresh boy on the block. It’s weird to hear that some of our advice feels archaic in the insanely fast and groundbreaking world of blockchain.

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It’s also weird working on projects that try to fix things that do not break by creating products users have not requested.

Blockchain people can be scary

People who thrive on the extreme are not always interested in helping beginners catch up. It’s more fun to be a fearless explorer than it is to be a patient guide. Patience is not among the most valued qualities of blockchain enthusiasts, which is one of the reasons why the whole field is so dynamic and intense.

Why users should not be intimidated by Blockchain

  • Many blockchain products and services are for humans.
  • We are very good at actively not knowing things.
  • We are very good at explaining the value of what we do.
  • We have some time to catch up.
  • It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible.

The development of UI / UX in Blockchain

Why users should not be intimidated by Blockchain

Many Blockchain products and services are for humans

Technology can be huge and unique, but humans are not; we know a lot about people. Anyone trying to build solutions for consumers or businesses will eventually find that people are changing much more slowly than technology, no matter how cool the technology is.

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We are very good at not actively knowing new things

In my consulting work, new customers ask «have you worked in [finance/healthcare/whatever]? ” Often my answer is “No, and that’s a good thing.” Not Having domain expertise can help us with our work. We are also trained to be active in not knowing; we pay close attention to the impact of ignorance on end-to-end experiences. We also tune in to the experience of learning in any new domain.

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We are very good at explaining the value of what we do

We have all sold the value of our work, which has become much easier in the last 20 years. When I started, there was a huge amount of work and debate about the return to user-centric design. It is time for us to resume that debate and refresh our arguments. We are more capable of doing that than ever before.

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We have some time to catch up

Blockchain needs UX immediately, but it is not ready for all that UX entails. It’s a big rush to launch new products: This is the latest gold rush in the technology world. I think the heyday of blockchain UX is months (if not years) into the future because part of the industry will have to experience something wrong first hand before they are willing to slow down to increase speed, which is at the heart of what we do.

It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible

I know enough now to understand the core when I hear new product or service ideas. I have also become accustomed to saying “I do not know what that means” and feeling the temperature drop. It’s not funny, but I remind myself of something I know for sure: If I do not understand something, it means that many other people will not understand it either. The value I bring to the blockchain team is that I know how to help people get it, no matter what “it” is. And you do that too because you bring your own very valuable UX expertise with you wherever you go, whether you fully understand the domain or not.

Blockchain users need UX design

Have you ever seen really passionate Star Trek fans? There are people who have learned to speak Vulcan and they are obviously doing very well. It’s because they love the strange new worlds and the chances to express themselves in new ways. Blockchain is not going to be our final frontier in UX; there will always be new ones. You are experienced explorers. Go boldly.

(And do not worry so much: you can always in front until you have kau.)

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