Kreepy Kritters heads for NFT NYC launch on April 12th

Kreepy Kritters heads for NFT NYC launch on April 12th

With its focus on learn-to-earn products and gamified learning experiences, Web3Shot aims to attract billions of users to the web3 world.

Web3 educational learning-and-earning platform Web3Shot has announced the public launch of its governance token $W3S on the BNB Chain. The fair launch, which started on 12 April at 02:00 UTC, will last until Friday 14 April at 02:00 UTC, via DiamondLaunch.

Public launch details

Launch model: Fair launch price discovery model

Softcap: 300K $USDT

Hardcap 450K $USDT

Minimum and maximum amount per address: 100 – 300 $USDT

Launchpad: DiamondLaunch

Chain: BNB Chain

Accepted payment: $USDT

Start and end date: 12.–14. April at 02:00 UTC

Allocation: $1,500,000 W3S (1.5% of total supply)

Total Max Supply: 100,000,000 $W3S

The Web3Shot team has announced that 1.5% of the total $W3S supply will be made available for public launch, and will be distributed to all participants at the real launch value (“FLV”) set at the end of the launch period.

FLV is determined based on the amount raised during the round, divided by $1.5 million W3S. All participants receive the same final price. The maximum price for $W3S is set at 0.3 $USDT, while the minimum price is set at 0.2 $USDT.

However, in the event that the total committed $USDT is less than 300K, all deposited funds will be returned to the participants and Web3Shot will retain the tokens allocated for DiamondLaunch.

The $W3S governance token is designed with the aim of mirroring the value flow of the Web3Shot platform and serving as a means of voting in ecosystem proposals. Since the success of the project depends on the trust and confidence in it by users, the long-term value of Web3Shot is intrinsically linked to the value of the W3S token.

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What is Web3Shot?

Web3Shot is a platform that aims to facilitate mass adoption of web3 technology. The company offers a range of Learn-to-Earn products and onboarding infrastructure designed to help both individual users and businesses transition to the new world of web3.

Through its user-friendly Learn-to-Earn product and gamified learning experiences, Web3Shot hopes to attract billions of users to the web3 world. The platform is open to everyone and strives to gather the best projects in the space to create engaging quizzes. In addition, Web3Shot builds a powerful community with a focus on collective learning, placing members at the center of the platform’s growth.

How does Web3Shot work?

Web3Shot is a platform that allows web3 experts, startups and beginners to come together for a shared learning experience. The platform is designed to make learning interesting, easy to understand and coherent. As co-builders, users are encouraged to contribute their expertise within a specified web3 field. Based on their input, Web3Shot reorganizes the knowledge into comprehensible quizzes, ranks the level of difficulty and categorizes the learning path. An AI-based engine adapts the learning experience based on the user’s expertise and learning activities. Web3Shot also allocates ecosystem funds to reward co-builders and increase web3 adoption.

For users, the platform offers products such as quizzes that allow them to learn and earn tokens. Through step-by-step, day-by-day learning, users can master the knowledge and gain practical experience. The collective learning experience also provides support from others and financial reward.

The launch of Web3Shot’s governance token $W3S on the BNB Chain marks an exciting development for the platform’s ecosystem. With the governance token playing a significant role in Web3Shot’s growth and value flow, the launch will help facilitate mass adoption of web3 technology and create a powerful community focused on collective learning.

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Learn more about Web3Shot and its development via the following links:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | Documents

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