Cyber ​​Stadium promises new GameFI mechanics for NFTs | NFT CULTURE | Web3 Culture NFTs and Crypto Art

Cyber ​​Stadium promises new GameFI mechanics for NFTs |  NFT CULTURE |  Web3 Culture NFTs and Crypto Art

Introducing Cyber ​​Stadium: An innovative NFT game built on Blockchain

If you are an avid player of NFT games, you might have already heard about Cyber ​​Stadium, the latest 100% on-chain game developed by the Crypto Raiders Team. Unlike other blockchain games that require a lot of time, skill and effort, Cyber ​​Stadium is a unique auto-battler that anyone can play without sacrificing too much of their time.

In this informative blog post, we will dive deep into the game mechanics and features of Cyber ​​Stadium, including smart contracts and Chainlink integration that make the game more engaging and exciting.

Principles behind Cyber ​​​​Stadium NFT GameFi

To create a game that appeals to most NFT enthusiasts, the Crypto Raiders team focused on the following principles:

  1. availability: Cyber ​​Stadium is designed to be a game that most NFT maxis can play. With an intuitive interface and simple gameplay, anyone can get started without having to go through a steep learning curve.
  2. Time efficient: Unlike other blockchain games that require players to spend hours of their time every day, Cyber ​​Stadium only requires a few minutes of your time every day. The game lets you fight against other players and win rewards with just a few clicks.
  3. Skill level: Cyber ​​Stadium is designed to be a game that is not too skill-based. The game’s auto-battle feature ensures that the outcome of the game depends more on luck and strategy than skill.
  4. Risk vs. reward: Cyber ​​Stadium has an element of risk and reward that keeps the game exciting. Players can stake their gladiators to participate in the permadeath arena and win a share of the Cyber ​​Stadium reward pool.
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Cyber ​​Stadium web3 Game Mechanics

Cyber ​​Stadium is an auto-battler where players give up their character on the training ground before risking everything in Cyber ​​Stadium. There are two arenas where players can battle each other: training grounds and Cyber ​​Stadium.

Training Grounds is a non-permadeath arena where players can battle other players to win loot boxes. Loot boxes contain equipment that automatically equips your Gladiator in the event of an upgrade. If you lose the match, you’ll still receive a loot box, but with slightly less chances of getting high-quality gear.

Cyber ​​Stadium is the permadeath arena where players stake their gladiators to participate. In this arena, players battle other players to win a share of the Cyber ​​Stadium reward pool. The daily reward emission in Cyber ​​Stadium is 1% of the total reward pool. The winners and losers will receive a share of the prize pool, with losers having their NFT burned and winners keeping their NFT.

To participate in the permadeath arena, players must stake their Gladiator. At the end of the battle sequence each day, players who died will have a chance to forge a new Gladiator for a few hours. If they don’t strike out, the opportunity will expand to the rolling approval list and eventually the public. There will never be more gladiators than the original supply.

The game has an element of catch-up for newly minted gladiators. They will have a chance to purchase collection boxes for a limited time after minting to help them catch up with the competition.

Smart contracts and Chainlink integration

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Cyber ​​Stadium uses custom smart contracts developed by the Crypto Raiders Team, making the game 100% on-chain. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller written directly into lines of code. These contracts ensure that the outcome of each match is transparent and unalterable.

Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, is integrated into Cyber ​​Stadium to provide randomized matchmaking, loot and battle engines. This integration ensures that the outcome of each match is random and fair.

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