Vladri presents ‘Boundless’: A Fusion of Physical Artworks, NFTs and Premium .com Domain Names

Vladri introduces ‘Boundless’, an extraordinary collection that seamlessly merges traditional art with the digital realm. Consisting of seven different physical artworks (acrylic on canvas, measuring 264 x 163 cm), this collection goes beyond conventional boundaries by offering 833 meticulously deconstructed NFTs, each representing a specific segment of the original paintings. In addition to the cap, each NFT is associated with a unique premium .com domain name. “Boundless” exemplifies an innovative convergence of artistic creativity, digital assets and tangible values.

Collectors are invited to apply to purchase an NFT until July 7, 2023. Successful applicants will initially receive NFTs, followed by a four-year timeframe to claim their physical artwork and the corresponding premium .com domain name.

Multidisciplinary artist Vladri invites collectors and art enthusiasts to experience his latest masterpiece: the ‘Boundless’ collection. This exceptional blend of traditional acrylic paintings, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and premium .com domain names challenges the boundaries of artistic expression and offers an unparalleled opportunity for collectors.

‘Boundless’ blurs the distinction between the physical and digital realms, and celebrates the harmony between the two in a unique and ground-breaking artistic endeavour. This curated selection features seven acrylic paintings transformed into 833 individual NFTs, each associated with a premium .com domain name. The collection consists of seven artworks: ‘Revolver’, ‘Meta Master’, ‘Heart Dried Land’, ‘Troubled Confession’, ‘The Judge’, ‘Knife Eaters’ and ‘Humanity Connoisseur’. Each artwork is deconstructed into 119 different NFTs, capturing specific segments of the original paintings. This allows collectors to own both a piece of the physical artwork and its digital replica, capturing its intricacy and richness.

The inclusion of premium .com domain names further increases the collection’s value and potential. Independently assessed by Afternic, each domain has an intrinsic value that exceeds its associated NFT, giving the collection tangible value. Carefully collected by Vladri over a period of seven years, these domains provide collectors with a unique platform for personal, business or creative endeavors.

Vladri’s unique philosophy of valueism underpins this collection, and provides the opportunity to acquire art while gaining ownership of digital collectibles of high value. This dual nature provides collectors with an enticing proposition that extends beyond traditional art acquisition. The ‘Boundless’ collection provides owners with transformative choices. Collectors can choose to preserve the integrity of the original painting or independently exploit their segment while retaining ownership of the NFT and corresponding .com domain name. This approach defies conventional norms of art collecting, giving each piece value and personal meaning.

This distinctive collection encompasses 4,467 years of combined .com registration history, and weaves a deep narrative that elevates the value and distinctiveness of each NFT. With valuations ranging from $1,700 and up, totaling $1,774,208, each domain adds immediate value to the associated NFT, providing instant gratification for collectors.

The ‘Boundless’ collection not only celebrates Vladri’s artistic approach, but also underlines his commitment to redefining the relationship between art and value. His dedication to promoting creativity, value and innovation means a broader impact beyond individual realms. Each piece acts as a robust representation of the limitless possibilities at the intersection of art, technology and value creation.

Embark on the “Boundless” collection today and immerse yourself in a journey of creativity, value and transformation. Visit to explore the collection and add a piece of this unique fusion of art and technology to your collection.

Explore the 833 domain names integrated into the ‘Boundless’ collection:

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