I’m waiting for ARK’s Cathie Wood to mention BSV blockchain’s scaling record


Recently I stumbled across a video from Bloomberg featuring ARK Invest’s Cathie Wood. She said something about BTC reaching a million USD per coin in 2030:

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While this sounds interesting and probably ensures a lot of clicks, especially given the mention of “institutions buying Bitcoin”, I see a big risk here.

Is Cathie Wood not up to date with what Bitcoin is achieving today?

Almost three years ago, I pointed out that Cathie Wood, along with her “crypto research team”, is probably missing what Bitcoin enables. Unfortunately, nothing has changed.

Instead of painting a 1 million USD per BTC price target into the blue sky, I wonder why Wood never mentions what is happening on the BSV blockchain. For example, Yahoo Finance reported that the BSV blockchain had hit a transaction record.

85 million transactions within 24 hours on the BSV blockchain – just like that. Where is the special report for ARK Invest? Anyone informed about BTC should know that BSV scales unlimitedly at an ultra-low cost.

The recent record at BSV is nothing new, by the way. A while ago, the famous economist George Gilder applauded BSV for having more transactions than BTC. As stated in the white paper, Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. What is cash if not for the practical transactions made with it?

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Bitcoin inventor Dr. Craig Wright is still censored by the mainstream media

Based on what I have experienced in the last four years, I do not expect balanced information from ARK Invest about anything “crypto-related.” Wood and her team are skilled enough to understand if they want to. So, what’s really going on here?

If they take the Bitcoin white paper and compare what BTC has done to the original protocol, there should be the idea that “something is missing here.” You rarely hear about the Tulip Trust Ltd. case against the BTC developers in the mainstream media, although this should probably be part of investment research in the digital asset market.

Is the so-called digital asset space full of corruption? A commercial attack has been launched against Bitcoin inventor Dr. Craig Wright. While not everyone has to agree with my perspective, it seems more than suspicious to me not to mention the above and the following information at all:

Bloomberg has tried to inform viewers, but the full story is hard to get out when people are clicking and shouting “1 million per BTC soon”:

YouTube video

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New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeeks Bitcoin for beginners section, the ultimate resource guide for learning more about Bitcoin – originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto – and blockchain.


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