Dr. Eva Porras on Blockchain DXB Podcast: SmartLedger uses blockchain technology to solve business problems

The SmartLedger team has kicked off 2023 with a flurry of media appearances. Bryan Daugherty, Greg Ward and other team members have appeared on several podcasts already this year.

On January 17, Dr. Eva Porras, CEO of SmartLedger, appeared on the Blockchain DXB podcast. Check it out via this link or read a written summary below.

We present Dr. Eva Porras

Blockchain DXB host, George, asks Dr. Porras to introduce herself and tell us about her recent trip to Dubai.

Dr. Porras explains that she often travels to Dubai because it is a very exciting place to be right now. She introduces herself as a well-travelled person with an eclectic range of interests ranging from literature to photography, eventually pursuing a PhD in finance in the US. She is particularly interested in financial bubbles, which comes in handy when dealing with the digital currency industry in its current form.

What is SmartLedger and why does it use BSV?

Dr. Porras is MD of SmartLedger. George tells her to tell the audience about it and the core problem it’s trying to solve.

“SmartLedger is a company with a philosophy – using blockchain technology to solve business problems,” says Dr. Porras. While it is primarily a distribution channel, it has also started to create its own solutions, such as TicketMint and various applications. The SmartLedger team recently demonstrated some of these solutions for CoinGeek.

Which blockchain does SmartLedger use? Bitcoin SV – the original Bitcoin protocol. George notes that most in the “crypto” space are critics of BSV and questions what benefits it provides. Dr. Porras says that the BSV protocol is set in stone, and that is the biggest advantage. It’s fast, scalable and stable, putting it well ahead of the competition.

“The survival of the industry depends on making this technology available,” she says, describing how Satoshi Nakamoto made micropayments possible, which is the main point of this technology.

Why did the company choose to move to Dubai and enter the Middle East? What went into that decision? SmartLedger was there for the BSV Global Blockchain Convention in May 2022. Dr. Porras stayed longer and had many different meetings, and that’s when the company decided to move in and started the process immediately.

How does SmartLedger plan to handle the competition in Dubai? Tailored solutions that solve real problems rather than generic packages are key.

Educate customers and overcome challenges in the industry

Dr. Porras says that at this stage, potential customers should listen carefully and educate themselves. “Don’t go with the flow,” she says, highlighting how difficult it is to go back when you choose the wrong technology.

SmartLedger truly wants companies to choose the best technology for them, and it’s a priority to educate and help customers decide on the best solution.

George notes that 2022 was a challenging year for the industry and asks how SmartLedger has overcome or plans to overcome the obstacles. Dr. Porras says that the year has been a blessing and a curse, but the prices of speculative tokens do not affect the company since it does not buy, sell or trade digital currencies.

What can we expect in the coming years? Dr Porras is hesitant to give advice as “advice depends on your perspective”, but in general she says to look at what people do rather than what they say and look back and see what has happened since 2000. She encourages people to be careful and do what is right for their organizations and countries.

Will digital currencies replace fiat currencies?

Dr Porras does not believe digital currencies will completely replace fiat. Instead, she believes they will complement each other. Bitcoin was invented because fiat currencies could not make nanopayments.

However, she believes the world will change a lot because of this technology. Financial services, banking and the processes they depend on will all undergo some sort of revolution thanks to blockchain technology.

Key takeaways from this podcast

  • SmartLedger is a blockchain distribution platform that also creates its own applications and solutions. The philosophy is to use blockchain technology to solve business problems.
  • SmartLedger uses the BSV blockchain. It is the fastest, most scalable, low-fee proof-of-work blockchain that enables micro- and nano-payments.
  • The company has recently moved into Dubai and plans to work in the wider Middle East. It sees enormous potential in this area.
  • Dr. Eva Porras, CEO of SmartLedger, believes education and understanding the true purpose of blockchain is crucial at this stage. She advises potential customers to compare the different blockchain protocols and understand what the technology is all about.
  • Dr. Porras does not believe digital currencies such as Bitcoin will replace fiat currencies. She believes they will complement each other, but the BSV blockchain will create a kind of revolution as the processes the financial industry depends on and uses are overhauled.

See: Live Streaming and Blockchain

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