Blockchain innovation program: Changing lives through BSV blockchain education


On Day 3 of the London Blockchain Conference, Evan Freeman, Director of Education at the BSV Blockchain Association, held a panel discussion with guest speakers Nicholas Bierkert, Lise Li, Reginald Tumusiime, Lorien Gamaroff and Dr. Usman on how they are working on various initiatives to educate people about the power of the BSV blockchain and how they can harness it.

People still don’t fully understand blockchain

Lise Li LBC 2023

Education is the most important thing, according to Li. As the BSV Blockchain Association Manager in China, she has noticed that many people misunderstand blockchain technology and Bitcoin. She and her team are working hard to rectify this. They have translated various technical documents into Chinese and offer engineering courses, certificates and more.

Promoting economic inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa

Tumusiime, CEO and founder of CapitalSavvy, is focused on promoting financial inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa. His company provides credit to small and medium-sized businesses and uses the blockchain to create an automated credit check system.

Reginald Tumusiime LBC 2023

He also teaches East Africans about blockchain technology in collaboration with the BSV Blockchain Association. His larger goal is to create an innovation center and help promote the ideas and initiatives that come out of it.

Centbee is more than just a payment company

Centbee is one of the leading payment companies using BSV Blockchain in Africa. However, CEO Gamaroff says there is also an element of educating people on how to use and acquire BSV. He points out that in many developing parts of the world the payment infrastructure isn’t there to buy it outright, so part of the firm’s mission is to educate people on how to earn, acquire and use Bitcoin.

Lorien Gamaroff LBC 2023

Gamaroff says people have forgotten that Bitcoin was designed as an electronic cash system and often have ideas about it as some kind of investment or speculative asset. Part of the process is teaching them what it is and how to use it for payments, transfers and more.

5thwork has created an online learning platform

Bierkert, CEO of 5thwork, tells us how he created an online learning platform that rewards people. Students are rewarded for completing courses such as the BSV Blockchain Association’s curriculum, and the higher the score they get, the bigger the reward.

Nicholas Bierkert LBC 2023

In line with Gamaroff’s earlier point, he notes that many of the students don’t have an easy way to purchase BSV, so taking these courses is a way to get it into their hands while educating them about blockchain technology in the process.

Dr. Usman wants Nigeria to be a blockchain leader

Dr. Usman tells us how he has focused on facilitating entrepreneurship and education in his role at the National Information Technology Development Agency in Nigeria. He says Nigeria has a young, tech-savvy population and that five out of seven African unicorns are found in his country.

Evan Freeman and Dr Usman on LBC 2023

He tells us about the Nigerian government’s ambitious blockchain goals, saying the goal is to train 500,000 blockchain experts by the end of 2024, and the goal is to add another million developers. His agency is working with the BSV Blockchain Association to achieve these goals.

At the end of the session, Freeman does a live demonstration of issuing educational certificates on the blockchain. He uses Buzzmint to do so, showing how fast, easy and cheap it is to create permanent records of education on the world’s most powerful utility blockchain.

See London Blockchain Conference Day 3 Highlights: Driving innovation, competitiveness with blockchain

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