Revolut joins forces with Polkadot to learn Crypto 101

Revolut joins forces with Polkadot to learn Crypto 101

Revolut has entered the crypto-education sector with a new initiative designed to promote “financial expertise.” The program, which will teach crypto newcomers the basics of digital assets, starts with a primer on everything Polkadot – and there is $ 15 in DOT to pick up.

Crypto-saving app and debit card service Revolut has quietly increased its market share at the same time as it has expanded the range of services. The latest “Learn & Earn” initiative is guaranteed to prove popular with app users, who are unlikely to turn up their noses at the prospect of free cryptocurrency. In the process, it will raise awareness of Polkadot, the web3 blockchain founded by Gavin Wood.

Upgrade your crypto chops

Coinbase Earn, the American stock exchange’s popular education series that awards participants nominal amounts of crypto, seems to have inspired Revoluts Learn & Earn. During times of market downturn, which the industry is now experiencing, the opportunities to make money are reduced. Although attending Revolut’s virginity course will not be what wealth is made of, it is still essentially money for nothing. And with additional courses and rewards underway, earnings can be stacked up.

As Revolut has expanded the number of cryptocurrencies it supports, there has been a need to guide newcomers into the features and benefits of each. This is common sense from an ethical perspective, and also from a business perspective, as it encourages informed decision making. The first short course, with a theme around Polkadot, will culminate in a quiz, with successful completion that gives the participant $ 15 worth of DOT.

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The first module, entitled Crypto Basics, starts with an overview of how blockchains work and what distinguishes cryptocurrency from fiat currency. Then it’s over to everything Polkadot: utilities, the role the DOT token plays, control and how the Polkadot relay chain is connected to all parachains.

Knowledge is power

“There is a huge appetite from our customers to learn more about cryptocurrencies,” said Revolut Crypto General Manager Emil Urmashin. “‘Learn & Earn’ will help them better understand the trends, risks and potential opportunities associated with crypto. Our partnership with the Web3 Foundation at Polkadot, one of the most popular blockchain networks, will help customers become more familiar with crypto concepts.”

Having introduced over 40 cryptocurrencies into its app this year alone, bringing the total number of supported assets to around 80, it’s a clear case for Revolut to educate consumers on what separates digital currencies. If customers can earn some pocket money along the way, it will be a win for all parties.

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