Analysts are blown away by this coin and predict a 7000% rise next quarter

Analysts are blown away by this coin and predict a 7000% rise next quarter

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As the crypto bear market continues, new applications of blockchain technology are emerging all the time. The projects that will thrive in the downturn are those that embrace the latest trends, while generating consistent revenue, with bear-proof products and services.

One such project is ArbiSmartan interest-bearing wallet and financial services hub, powered by the RBIS token. EU authorized and registeredArbiSmart’s fast-growing ecosystem generates consistent passive profits, no matter which direction the market moves, which leads analysts to project a 7000% increase in the value of the original token by the end of 2022.

How ArbiSmart is generating profits right now

ArbiSmart offers one interest-generating wallet with built-in arbitrage trading, which continues to generate the same returns in a bull or bear market.

The wallet offers sky-high interest of up to 147% a year on 25 supported crypto and FIAT currencies. Users can choose to keep their money safe, interest-free, but withdrawable at any time. Alternatively, they can lock them into a savings plan for a short period such as 1 or 3 months, or a long period such as 2, 3 or 5 years and the longer the time frame of the lock, the higher the interest rate will be. The wallet holder can also choose to automatically transfer the interest earned on the capital, which is paid out daily, to a separate balance, where it is always available, or have it transferred to the locked savings balance for a higher interest rate.

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In addition, wallet holders can choose to take advantage of automated crypto arbitrage system, which generates passive profits of up to 45% a year. This is a low exposure trading strategy that generates income from temporary price inefficiencies. These are short periods where a coin is available across exchanges at different prices at the same time.

Price inefficiency, which occurs frequently, under all types of market conditions, has various causes such as differences in trading volume and liquidity between larger exchanges and smaller ones. ArbiSmart’s automated system, connected to 35 exchanges, scans hundreds of coins at once, 24 hours a day for price differences, automatically buys at the lowest available price and sells at the highest for profit.

How RBIS demand is increased

Wallet holders can earn more profits by buying RBIS, which increases the demand for the token.

How much interest you can earn depends on your account level, which is determined by how much RBIS you own. So, owning more RBIS means a higher interest rate on your BTC or EUR savings balance.

Wallet holders are also encouraged to open savings balances in RBIS, as these earn three times higher interest than balances in other supported currencies. Those who do not want to convert their money to ArbiSmart’s native token, but still want to increase their profits, can choose to keep their balance in Bitcoin or Euro and only receive the daily interest in RBIS.

The ArbiSmart wallet was only introduced at the beginning of this quarter, although it is already gaining momentum and the number of users is increasing rapidly. This growing momentum means more people are locking RBIS into savings balances, taking it out of general circulation. As token demand increases, the supply, which is limited and permanently capped at 450 million, decreases, pushing up the RBIS price.

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The extension and how it will affect RBIS’s value

Token demand is expected to rise even higher through the second half of 2022, with the introduction of several new RBIS tools, all of which require the use of the original token. This will further reduce supply and drive demand, increasing the token price and generating significant capital gains from the rising token value.

Later this quarter, ArbiSmart will launch a mobile application for buying, selling, exchanging and storing crypto. Immediately after, the development team will introduce a decentralized farming program with unique gamification features, offering up to 190,000% a year as well as 0.3% of fees from each trade.

This will be closely followed by the release of a collection of thousands of original digital artworks, as well as an NFT marketplace for buying and selling non-fungible tokens. In Q4, ArbiSmart also plans to launch a play-to-earn metaverse as well as a professional cryptocurrency exchange.

All services in the ArbiSmart ecosystem are interconnected, allowing RBIS holders to benefit from preferential terms when using additional tools. For example, buying an ArbiSmart purchased NFT can increase a yield farmer’s APY.

ArbiSmart already offers lucrative, bear-proof tools, with multiple revenue streams expected to become available by the end of the year, from gaming and liquidity mining to NFT investing. Each new service will generate its own rewards, while reducing RBIS supply and driving demand, pushing up the price.

To buy the coin, before the token price explodes in the months ahead, buy RBIS today!

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