The Marvel Character Canned 20 Years Ago is now NFTs

The Marvel Character Canned 20 Years Ago is now NFTs

Slam-Girl was a creation of Stan Lee, the founder of Marvel. Created and forgotten 20 years ago, she has been resurrected from the dead and made into an NFT series.

Marvel has pumped out some incredibly profitable and iconic superheroes in its time. On the list are hotties like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, the Hulk and all the sexy X-Men. Is it hot in here or…?

However, one character didn’t quite make it to the big time. Instead, she ended up on the cutting room floor. She is called Slam-Girl and is a character that has never been seen before.

Slam-Girl origin

While created over two decades ago, Slam-Girl is considered to be a new character. She was a collaboration between Stan Lee and his creative partner, comic artist Will Meugniot.

In her story, she became a superhero thanks to taking a sip of a radioactive ‘Old Spider Bite’ Lite Beer. Imagine what would have happened if she had thrown a full-strength beer!

After the sip, she was imbued with a series of superpowers that she now reluctantly accepts.

Shirrel Rhoades is a former publisher at Marvel. When he found the files, he said,I was surprised to discover that Stan had created a new superhero that was a parody of his Spider-Man. I felt like Indiana Jones discovering the lost ark!”

According to, after a one-off episode of Slam-Girl was uncovered, it was shown for the first time in 20 years at a Metaverse-themed event called Metacon in Dubai in May.

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Here is the original pilot.

Slam-Girl was the first character written to live in a place called Stanleyville.

The early metaverse

Stan Lee, the creative force behind Marvel, was early in the game when the internet first came to life. In 1999 he started building his animation studio. It employed 150 writers and animation specialists. The realm where the new characters would live was in cyberspace…an early Metaverse. However, the project collapsed after the dot com bubble burst.

All the characters created at that time were shelved and lay in hypersleep for 20 years. That is, until the recent unveiling of all the work. When Slam-Girl was rediscovered, the records showed that she was created in 2000 by Lee and Will Meugniot. The files also revealed that Slam-Girl was designed to be an Internet-age relaxer for a new generation of digital enthusiasts.

Rhoades got in touch with Meugniot, and asked him to collaborate on the NFT series.

Slam-Girl will make her next appearance at NYC Comic Con as an NFT series. It is now four years since Marvel founder Stan Lee passed away.

The NFT collection features Slam-Girl battling four of her enemies. Her nemeses are of course from The League of Evil Bastards.

The NFTs will be available for purchase on OneOf. The platform says they are a “green NFT marketplace.”

While NFTs have had their “tulip bubble” moment and are no longer the compelling investment they once were, brand names can still achieve moderate success selling collections.

Fully loaded

Another offering in addition to Slam-Girl is a new concept called Full Charged. This has twin siblings Jax and Rocki. They are an ethical hacking team who believe they only collect NFTs and tokens in the game. Alas. They have actually accidentally bought and sold the world’s biggest weapon on the Dark Web. This causes them to discover that they have superpowers. Of course!

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The two collections will be available on eBay starting October 4th for fans based in the US, UK and Germany.

Dawn Block is the VP of Collectibles at eBay. She said brand-new and unique comic book superheroes were a good fit for eBay, as it “has an unmatched selection of collectibles, both digital and physical.”

Lin Dai is the CEO and co-founder of OneOf. She said they were keen to bring the vision of the legendary Stan Lee to life with NFT technology as well as brand new Web3 native superheroes. The ‘participate to own’ model has never existed before in the comics industry, connecting fans with characters they own and storylines they imagine.”

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