The neutrality of blockchain technology makes a difference?

The neutrality of blockchain technology makes a difference?

The technology of blockchain is neutral in the artificial intelligence system. This technology provides transparency in all sectors where it has been used. Blockchain is used in many different sectors either in finance, border control systems or in hospitals. Today mostly people are not aware of this technology due to lack of understanding and skills and also due to different perceptions about the technology.

To understand whether the system can be completely neutral, there is a project initiated by Ben Goertzel [founder and CEO of singularityNET]

Combine AI and Blockchain”

According to his point of view, the concept of complete objectivity is not so useful for analyzing the final computer system through the intelligence system.

Blockchain technology has many benefits in addition to the limitations we have in understanding it. As we know the blockchain is very complex in a certain way and the users increase rapidly and create nodes in the system as a result the system becomes more and more complex. It needs very high energy according to study conducted in the University of Cambridge study, bitcoins consume much more electricity than the whole nation. Each and every node of bitcoin requires about 200 Gb of storage. It creates big problems if there are several blockchains in the world, it is not the problem of one nation but the whole world.

The biggest problem with this technology is the permanent data that cannot be deleted or changed. If someone wants to clean their digital footwear, it becomes a very difficult task. The information or data stored in a block after verification is closed and creates another block for storing the data. However, it is the biggest advantage as well as the biggest technology problem.

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In this modern generation, AI is the key part of the technology used in many sectors such as finance, market, hospital or education. There are also very big flaws in AI is that data that does not provide accurate information. Artificial intelligence depends on data, so it is very important that accurate data is added. False data can lead to unpredictable consequences because over time various institutions will incorporate AI, including education and health.

The technology of blockchain can be fair and make the AI ​​system neutral by establishing any program that can remove the data that can create biases. Blockchain technology helps in providing the history of information as well as transparency to AI.

Dan Peterson, CEO of the Blockchain Network

In a statement to a crypto media agency, he said that it is very difficult to ensure the fairness of the system, and some AI values ​​cannot be objective because there is no quantifiable line for when a data set loses neutrality.


Nancy J. Allen
Last post by Nancy J. Allen (see all)

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