The relationship between blockchain technology and interactive media

The relationship between blockchain technology and interactive media

Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular in the interactive media industry. In today’s rapidly evolving world, creators and marketplaces are rethinking how they handle business. Direct feedback has become critical to navigating this space, providing immediate insight into what fans want.

Tommaso Sandretto, a pioneer in the industry, emphasizes the importance of controlling your digital identity and being independent. Using blockchain technology, creators can reward fans for their loyalty, making them feel recognized and valued. This approach builds a stronger relationship between creators and their audience, increasing engagement and loyalty.

An investment banker by training, Sandretto became fascinated with DeFi in 2018 through friends who were already involved in the space. As he met more like-minded people, Sandretto finally connected with Scott Greenberg, head of Bento boxan animation studio known for partnering with Fox and NBC. With this connection, Sandretto began lending his expertise to those in the Web3 space, helping them improve their web components.

Exploring the pros and cons of Blockchain in interactive media

Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular in the interactive media industry, with many creators and studios taking advantage of its benefits. One of the main benefits of using blockchain technology is the ability to reward loyal fans and give them a sense of ownership of intellectual property. A good example of this is the use of a leaderboard, which encourages fans to hold on to their NFTs, giving them access to voting and opportunities to influence. By offering these benefits to fans, creators and studios can build a stronger relationship with their audience, leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

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“For example, if you own one of our NFT assets, such as Krap Chicken NFT Collection, which lays an egg every day, the longer you keep NFT, the more eggs you will have, says Thomas Sandretto. “This allows you to achieve different leaderboard positions and gives you access to different voting and show effects opportunities. Doing so allows fans to direct the show, creating a much closer relationship between the creators and the fans.”

Krap Chicken holders can enjoy exclusive benefits, including early screenings, special events and episodic votes for Krapopolisan upcoming American animated sitcom created by Dan Harmon for the Fox Broadcasting Company.

How to tackle the challenges in Web3 Space

Sandretto shared his insight into the challenges facing the web3 area and how they can be solved in the future. According to him, regulatory, technical and community-related problems are some of the major challenges common to all businesses in this area.

“But with time and maturity, we see that 99% of these problems will be solved, and we can develop a healthy regulatory framework and healthier society,” says Sandretto. “In times like these, when the market is complicated and the technology is challenged, that’s where the truly neutral builders spend most of their time trying to build the best possible experiences.”

Blockchain Creative Labs Reveals Expected Upcoming Projects

Blockchain Creative Labs (BCL) is currently developing several exciting projects. There are three significant projects, i.a the upcoming animated series, Krapopolisplanned release for autumn.

“It’s a highly anticipated show, with three seasons already committed, and we’ve built an entire Web3 experience around it!” says Thomas Sandretto. “We have also collaborated with other notable creators such as Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland. As the show airs and evolves, the community will have a significant impact on it, which we’re excited about.”

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BCL’s use of blockchain technology has also allowed for the creation of exclusive and personalized opportunities for fans and season ticket holders of the USFL football spring league.

“These unique experiences are one of the many ways we’re trying to build a stronger relationship between consumers and brands,” explains Sandretto. “But it also creates challenges, as we need to ensure that we address a wider audience and create a product that is easily understood.”

Assess Web3’s effect on interactive media

Tommaso Sandretto emphasizes the importance of community and fan engagement in the creative process as a means of increasing engagement, highlighting the importance of traditional media industries such as film and television.

“I think it’s our mission that sets us apart from others in this industry,” says Sandretto. “Unlike those who target speculators or PFP holders, we are focused on fans of content and creativity. By prioritizing this customer base, it makes our work easier and more stable, despite the complexity of the task.”

For aspiring entrepreneurs hoping to break into the Web3 space, Sandretto recommends being patient and willing adjust ideas as needed. He also suggests allowing time to figure out the right strategies, as trial and error is often necessary. The company itself emphasizes the importance of laboratories in its name, and recognizes the need for experimentation and exploration.

“The positive effect of web wood is that it provides immediate feedback from your fans, which should be highly valued,” says Sandretto. “Typically, you only get feedback after everything is prepared and ready, and you put it in front of people, but with web tree we have a chance to get feedback earlier in the process. This approach blends technology and creativity so we can create something great.”

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In the future of interactive media, blockchain technology is expected to play a significant role in improving communication between studios and creators, leading to happier fans. This development is considered essential as Tommaso Sandretto emphasizes the importance of strengthening the community and ensuring that they have a say in the creative process. The exploitation of blockchain infrastructure is seen as a positive contribution to the industry as a whole.

Sophia Chartrand is an events columnist at Grit Daily.

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