Space Force major urges Pentagon to keep Bitcoin, give it Second Amendment protections

Space Force major urges Pentagon to keep Bitcoin, give it Second Amendment protections

Space Force Major Jason Lowery believes that the US government should store Bitcoin (BTC) and set up mining operations to compete for a share of control of the network.

He further states that BTC should be protected under the Second Amendment as it is essentially a weapon for self-defense.

Lowery’s proposal is part of his master thesis called “Softwar” – currently the best-selling technology book on Amazon. It was published on February 18 and is quickly taking the crypto community by storm due to the ideas that Bitcoin has national significance.

Bitcoin is a weapon

In his thesis, Lowery argues that the Bitcoin network is analogous to maritime trade routes and that the authorities should ensure free navigation and trade on the network is protected. Lowery also argues that this is a military imperative and that the next generation of warfare will be cyber.

Furthermore, Lowery believes that Bitcoin can serve as a cybersecurity tool by integrating the validation system with other programs.

In this scenario, a program would be designed to only respond to external signals if they are registered to transactions on the Bitcoin network – essentially putting a stop to cyber-attacks such as denial of service.

Lowery believes that the Bitcoin network is the best option


The main premise of Lowery’s thesis is that Bitcoin’s proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism offers states a new-age method of competing for power and resources that doesn’t involve bloodshed or physical force. He harkened back to the Cold War as an example, a time when countries competed with each other through sports and chess for prestige.

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But in the case of these PoW contests, countries will be competing for network tokens – such as Bitcoin – and the right to validate the subsequent blocks on the network. Lowery paints these PoW contests as a way for governments to control networks used to assign abstract property rights.

Under this scenario, the need for the state to protect and control the network becomes paramount, according to the thesis.

Lowery further suggests that governments should agree to use the Bitcoin network for this purpose.

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