NFT: CryptoPunks become Ordinal Punks

NFT: CryptoPunks become Ordinal Punks

CryptoPunks NFT have always been a flywheel for this world, now they are starting to be replaced by Ordinal Punks.

CryptoPunks nft has made headlines for a controversial exchange that saw original CryptoPunk #4155 traded for an Ordinal Punk on 16.

The exchange we reported on does not appear to have been the only one between the two types of NFTs.

Summary of Ordinal Punk’s NFTs

It certainly seems that Bitcoin’s NFTs are growing in popularity by leaps and bounds, to the point where they are being traded with the more ornate CryptoPunk’s nft.

A software engineer, Casey Rodarmor, introduced the Ordinals protocol thanks to an intervention made on Bitcoin’s blockchain on January 21.

Thanks to the protocol incorporated into Bitcoin’s blockchain, it is now possible to enter data called Ordinals.

Each of the 100,000,000 units that make up a Bitcoin is also called a ‘stake’.

The data allows not only NFTs to be created from scratch, but also smart contracts on the historical chain.

As of today, it is essentially possible to create NFTs not only on the Ethereum chain, but also on the Bitcoin chain.

Ordinal Punks constitute a collection of Bitcoin NFTs of 100 PFPs.

The PFPs are eventually minted in the first 650 entries in a reliable way in the Bitcoin chain.

CryptoPunk’s NFT roundup

The first NFT project in history is one of the most important and most valued digital art collections.

In total, there are 10,000 CryptoPunkers, but some of them have been lost.

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On average, CryptoPunks nft has reached a value even above $100,000, which depends on the specifications of each one.

The NFTs in the collection that have hoodies, hats or pilot helmets are among the most sought after, for example.

Zombie or alien CryptoPunks nft, on the other hand, are extremely rare and give a reward to the owner.

Characteristics of these non-fungible tokens include 3,279 NFTs with at least 2 accessories, 288 with mustaches, 6,039 men, and 419 with hats and shirts.

The market value of CryptoPunks

Three days ago the unthinkable happened, via “Ordinal Punk Sales” spreading the news on Twitter, there was an account of a trade between Ordinal Punk and CryptoPunks.

“Trade Confirmed: Ordinal Punk 16 for CryptoPunk 4155′. The CryptoPunk in question is a male punk, with a cap, earrings and goatee. On the other hand, Ordinal Punk has glasses and no hair.”

Both NFTs born on Ethereum and those born on Bitcoin more recently are priced at $100,000 to date.

Thanks to this exchange which saw a collector rob himself of a historical CryptoPunk in exchange for an Ordinal Punk, it was determined that the latter achieves the same status as the former.

STX (the Stack Network token) is up 50% since yesterday just as a result of these exchanges.

Ordinal Punks are on the crest of a wave to the point that another CryptoPunks was also traded in favor of an Ordinal.

CryptoPunk 4053 (77.50 ETH) was traded for $125,258.

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