The NFT CATS Awards Show seems to legitimize the NFT art

MIAMI, FLORIDA, JULY 7, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Interest in crypto and ownership of digital assets increased to unforeseen levels through 2021 worldwide. This made digital art a new asset class, unleashing a wave of digital art enthusiasts, collectively known as the NFT community.

The Certified Artists Token Society Inc (CATS), open to the public member organization of producers, artists and art collectors, wants to bring the sophistication of the traditional art world into the NFT’s art space to legitimize it and demonstrate that it is here to stay. In such an effort, they invite all artists to join the first known NFT CATS Award Show, a gala event held in late 2022 or early 2023 in Miami or Tampa, FL, with which they hope to increase the recognition of new artists, increase exposure to premium NFTs, and offer a collection of high quality works to the public.

With a total of 39 categories spanning best male artist, best female artist, best NFT art collection, best hand-drawn art, best NFT website and more, CATS hopes their NFT Award Show will be something artists want to be a part of, and something enthusiasts look forward to every year.

«Our mission is to celebrate creativity and the birth of a new medium where the imagination can thrive without physical limitations. We want to create an environment where artists feel secure in creating digitally, in what until recently was an unfairly underrated medium, both financially and in terms of reputation “, commented Rick Alan Heene, spokesman for the CATS team.

Winners of the NFT CATS Award Show will not only receive wide recognition, but also receive a Golden CATS Awards Statue, an NFT consisting of a pixel man who remains true to the nature of the event. In an effort to attract the best crypto talent to the event, CATS offers free membership to the event’s designated hosts and presenters. If you have experience hosting live or online events, and / or as a comedian, auditions for these roles are currently open through their website.

Other producers, collectors and artists can also join CATS by acquiring a membership. When they become members, they will receive a Certified Artists Token Society seal to place in their NFTs that show that the art is genuine and gives them more legitimacy. “You could say that our ultimate goal is to transform culture. Digital art is a source of inspiration for us, and we want artists to get the recognition they deserve.

We hope that our efforts reach other NFT enthusiasts in the community as well, Rick concluded. Among some of the most famous projects in the NFT area at the moment is the Cryptopunks collection; OpenSea, one of the largest NFT marketplaces; and Yuga Labs’ Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), which also hosts its own annual community event called Apefest. The team at CATS hopes their initiatives not only create a healthier digital art ecosystem, but also that they eventually reach levels that defi their current imagination.

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