Ninjalerts V3: Unveiling the ultimate NFT trading app that has influencers and traders buzzing! | NFT CULTURE | NFT News | Web3 culture

Discover the Power of Ninjalerts v3 – The Game-Changing Release That Lets You Trade NFTs Like a Pro

Get ready, NFT traders and enthusiasts! Ninjalerts, the revolutionary app that monitors the trading activities of top influencers and traders in the Ethereum world, has just unleashed its most important software update to date – Ninjalerts v3. Prepare to be blown away by the multiple feeds and enhanced notification management features!

This groundbreaking version takes NFT trading to a whole new level by providing users with comprehensive profit and loss statements for each tracked wallet. Not only that, but it also highlights the top 1000 profitable wallets on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. Get ready to explore the waiting time and profits generated from individual sales like never before!

Remember when Ninjalerts went viral on Twitter during the Art Gobblers controversy in November 2022? That was just the beginning of this app’s incredible journey. Originally conceived as a weekend project in October 2021, Ninjalerts was brought to life by visionary co-founders Trevor Owens, Max Savin and Sihoon Kim. Driven by their shared passion for Web3 marketing and blockchain insights, they created a groundbreaking mobile and web application that delivers real-time push notifications whenever a tracked wallet engages in activities such as buying, minting, or selling NFTs.

“NFT trading can be confusing and overwhelming, with traders often falling victim to fraud or missing out on significant market developments. Ninjalerts v3 simplifies NFT trading and empowers users to stay informed about the market,” said Trevor OwensCEO and co-founder of Ninjalerts.

While Ninjalerts secured $150,000 in venture capital funding from Artesian and SOSV, the majority of its financial support comes from internal revenue and the unwavering faith of its founders. This dedication to their vision is further reflected in the impressive growth the app has experienced. In just 30 days, Ninjalerts fostered a vibrant Discord community of 60,000 users. Since its inception, it has sent over 23.5 million alerts to more than 12,900 connected devices, with a remarkable monthly retention rate of over 90 percent.

The app’s smart algorithm carefully analyzes Ethereum blockchain wallets to identify the most profitable NFT traders. To ensure security and transparency, Ninjalerts v3 has a built-in “laundering” detection feature that uses popular algorithms and manual inspection. Say goodbye to uncertainty and trade with confidence!

The app’s catalog showcases wallets belonging to renowned social media influencers, including the likes of Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton, Mark Cuban, Jay-Z, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Bieber, Jimmy Fallon and many more. Additionally, it highlights the most influential figures in the NFT market, such as Pranksy, Gmoney, Dingaling, Zeneca, kmoney, Farokh, and the list goes on!

Apart from its cutting-edge features, Ninjalerts also presents a consolidated platform that allows users to easily track multiple wallets without having to navigate through various tabs and screens. Also, real-time automatic alerts keep traders informed of every transaction, allowing them to quickly react to market volatility and seize opportunities.

As Trevor Owens states, “Beyond the Ninjalerts app, we foster a thriving alpha community on Discord and provide educational content to new traders through our YouTube and Twitter spaces.

*Disclosure: Members of the NFTCulture staff have informed the Ninjalerts team.

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