Nami Foundation improves AML and CFT compliance for digital asset products with Chainalysis


SINGAPORE, 29 May 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Nami Foundation, a pioneering organization in digital assets and technology financial economy i Vietnam, today underlined its commitment to compliance through the use of Chainalysis’ blockchain data platform. As a result, the Nami Foundation now has stronger transaction monitoring and investigation capabilities to detect money laundering and terrorist financing, while protecting users from illegal activity on the blockchain services, Nami Exchange and Nami Insurance.

The Nami Foundation improves AML and CFT compliance for digital assets

The Nami Foundation improves AML and CFT compliance for digital assets

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the financial industry, among other things through the emergence of digital assets – and this is especially the case in Vietnam. IN Chainalysis Global Cryptocurrency Index 2022, Vietnam topped the charts for the second consecutive year, as a result of the country’s extremely high purchasing power and population-adjusted usage across centralized, DeFi and P2P cryptocurrency tools. Research from 2020 reported that 21% of Vietnamese consumers use or own cryptocurrency, next Nigeria at 32%, and the adoption rate has probably only grown since then. However, the emergence of new technologies also brings potential security risks that can affect end users. Actual Chainalysis Cryptocurrency Crime Report 2023 found that the volume of illegal transactions increased for the second consecutive year in 2022, reaching a record high of 20.1 billion dollars.

To minimize potential risk, many blockchain organizations have conducted audits and invested in machine learning-powered blockchain analysis tools. Organizations have also worked closely with security entities to monitor abnormal transaction activities and prevent abuse while notifying users when necessary. By taking these measures, blockchain organizations proactively increase security and ensure the safety of financial transactions, while ensuring compliance with the latest regulations.

“Security and compliance are top priorities for blockchain organizations when developing financial products,” said Nguyen Tuan NamCOO of the Nami Foundation. “We are pleased to work with Chainalysis, one of the leading blockchain data platforms trusted by the most recognized names in the field, to strengthen our compliance and hone our capabilities to monitor and investigate transactions, while protecting users from illegal activity.”

The ecosystem of the Nami Foundation

The ecosystem of the Nami Foundation

By using Chainalysis’ data platform with Nami Foundation’s services in late 2022, Nami’s development team can monitor transaction data on its systems, receive risk alerts from Chainalysis, and then deploy asset protection solutions where needed. When high-risk transactions occur on Nami Foundation’s services, the product development team will be activated with Chainalysis’ blockchain analysis tool to suspend the transaction, investigate and verify before the assets are transferred to the recipient wallet. This helps limit fraud cases where hackers take advantage of investors’ trust. The Nami Foundation’s relationship with Chainalysis highlights the importance of collaboration between industry players to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of the blockchain ecosystem.

Joshua FooRegional Director ASEAN & Central Asia at Chainalysis: “Chainalysis’ mission is to build trust in blockchains, and we are honored to drive this with the Nami Foundation. Vietnam’s The burgeoning blockchain ecosystem is one we are committed to, and blockchain analytics backed by quality data is key to ensuring a safe, secure and compliant user experience for organizations in the industry. We look forward to continuing to support the Nami Foundation on their journey to build trust with customers and the wider ecosystem.”

About Nami Foundation:

Founded in 2017 in SingaporeThe Nami Foundation (formerly known as Nami Corp) is a pioneering organization in the digital assets and technology financial economy i Vietnam. We focus on developing innovative financial technology products and promoting efficient economic growth.

Since its establishment, Nami Foundation has successfully built a wide range of products, including Nami Insurance, Nami Exchange and Nami frame (NAO), which is among the company’s flagship offerings. Each product is designed to meet the unique needs of users, with Nami Insurance providing peace of mind for investors, Nami Exchange offering a trusted and secure platform for trading digital assets, and Nami frame (NAO) delivers a comprehensive solution for blockchain developers. Together, these products represent Nami’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the blockchain industry.

About chain analysis:

Chainalysis is the blockchain data platform. We provide data, software, services and research to government agencies, stock exchanges, financial institutions and insurance and cyber security companies in over 70 countries. Our data powers investigative, compliance and market intelligence software that has been used to solve some of the world’s most high-profile criminal cases and safely increase consumer access to cryptocurrency. Backed by Accel, Addition, Benchmark, Coatue, GIC, Paradigm, Ribbit and other leading venture capital firms, Chainalysis builds trust in blockchains to promote more financial freedom with less risk. For more information, visit



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SOURCE Nami Foundation


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