How $5 Bitcoin Purchase Turned into $1.5 Million Viral Movement – Bitcoin Magazine

This is an opinion editorial by Mason Price, an emerging number cruncher, meme maker and aspiring author.

This article was originally published here.

Stack height 1762

A brief description of the founding and subsequent purchases of Stackchain, a Bitcoin stacking subculture.

Almost two months before he deleted his account, @ArizonanHODL tweeted an unassuming screenshot of a $5 Bitcoin purchase. Any ordinary person – and by “ordinary” I don’t mean a psychopathic, dark tetrad Bitcoin fanatic – wouldn’t have batted an eye, but those of us familiar with Bitcoin Twitter know that the community, like Bitcoin itself, is an unstoppable force even through a bear market. This was the case for @ArizonanHODL’s tweet, from which a new Bitcoin subculture full of stacking bet and creating memes was born.

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