EXPLAINED: Decryption of blockchain interoperability and what it might bring at all


While blockchain is believed to have found use, the question still seems to be how interoperable it can be. Blockchain interoperability, which refers to data-based interactions between blockchains, has the potential to develop decentralized applications (dApps) for various use cases. “I believe blockchain interoperability refers to the capacity of blockchain networks to communicate, interact and exchange information. It is considered crucial as it facilitates collaboration and connectivity between blockchain platforms,” ​​Alankar Saxena, co-founder and CTO, Mudrex, a crypto-investment platform, told FE Blockchain.

From what it is understood, blockchain interoperability can help with dull asset transactions and create interconnected smart contracts. According to Chainlink, a decentralized network, blockchain interoperability’s messaging protocols across chains can create cross-chain dApps, which allow a certain dApp to be active across different smart contracts. The network further stated that blockchain interoperability could give rise to various cross-chain dApps, such as cross-chain non-fungible tokens (NFT), cross-chain decentralized money markets, cross-chain decentralized exchanges (DEX), among others.

“I believe blockchain interoperability increases the transparency and traceability of data across blockchain networks. It can also increase the value of multi-chain tokens, as they can be used across networks as a means of payment to earn returns, and facilitates the transfer of NFTs across of blockchain networks, among others,” Kumar Gaurav, founder and CEO, Cashaa, a blockchain company, stated.

Market-based blockchain interoperability facilities present are reported to be contract calls, native payments, programmable token bridges, token exchanges, and token bridges. In terms of corporate structure, blockchain interoperability can lead to cost minimization schemes. Insights from 101 Blockchains, a blockchain-based research platform, highlighted that blockchain interoperability can allow companies to maintain client-based connections. It is believed that blockchain’s influence on client-company relationships can guarantee the absence of expensive transaction costs, to ensure value transfer. Currently, platforms that support blockchain interoperability are Wanchain, Polkadot, Hybrix, among others.

To conclude, experts believe that blockchain interoperability can bring the maximum out of a decentralized ecosystem. As stated by Sensorium, a metaverse and Web3.0 developer, blockchain interoperability will be necessary to ensure widespread data sharing and digital asset-backed transactions. “The future of blockchain interoperability looks promising as it has the potential to create a decentralized ecosystem. Advances in interoperability should advance a blockchain landscape, unlocking new levels of productivity,” concluded Rajagopal Menon, Vice President, WazirX, a cryptocurrency exchange.

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