Dr. Craig Wright on CoinGeek TV: Let’s make blockchain boring


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In the late 90s, networking was among the most high-profile emerging technologies, and companies like Cisco were the rock stars. Today, networking is boring and not given much thought: it just has to work. Likewise, blockchain technology must grow out of the hype era and become basic plumbing for the internet, says Dr. Craig Wright.

In an interview with Kurt Wuckert Jr. for CoinGeek TV, Dr. Wright doubled down on his claim that we need to make blockchain boring. We’ve been through an era when blockchain was touted as the solution to everything from evading government capture to curing cancer. Now is the time to move on to the ubiquitous utility phase, says Dr. Wright.

“…now we’re entering the phase where it’s actually starting to do good,” he added.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been all the rage lately, and many have said that it is potentially one of the best inventions ever. However, Dr. Wright noted that it has been blown out of proportion.

London Blockchain Conference 2023

“It’s just a better search engine that can replace Google,” he said.

AI relies on data and suffers from “garbage-in, garbage-out.” By integrating blockchain technology, AI developers can introduce data integrity and privacy and solve all data logging issues.

Dr. Wright is chief scientist at nChain, a role he loves because it allows him to conduct research, “sit back and play.” He says he regrets not taking a more active leadership role in Bitcoin over the past decade, but he is now in a position to influence its development and lead the effort himself.

“We need to build and scale and have a stable protocol so that others can build. We can’t sit there and tell them what to do: they will go out there and do it in spite of us,” he said.

London Blockchain Conference 2023

London is the new home for the conference series. The city is one of the world’s financial hubs and has emerged as one of the biggest players in the blockchain area. One of the most important events in the city’s history was the Norman Conquest. After the conquest, King William I commissioned the Domesday Book, which recorded everything he owned or owed to him. All its records were immutable.

Dr. Wright likens it to what Bitcoin offers its users today, noting, “It really got people started to understand what they owned.”

Popping the champagne

The interview ended with the ceremonial popping of the champagne to celebrate another successful conference, a tradition that returns to CoinGeek Zurich in June 2021.

“My favorite moment of the event was hosting CoinGeek TV,” stated Becky Liggero.

“Mine was the opening. I was very enthusiastic as I had no idea what would happen,” said Jon Southurst.

London Blockchain Conference 2023

For Lucy Hedges, the technology journalist who hosted the business scene, it was “meeting the amazing people who took to the stage to impart their knowledge”.

Victoria Scholar, chief investment officer at Interactive Investor, hosted the technical stage. For her, it was learning about facets of blockchain technology that she knew very little about beforehand.

Dr. Wright concluded by thanking everyone who had attended the London Blockchain Conference.

“It’s been over a decade since I launched Bitcoin … more people are starting to understand why we need to scale, not to get some stupid asset to flip to go to the moon, but because we can create something that changes people’s life,” Dr. Wright said.

See London Blockchain Conference 2023 highlights

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