Crypto influencer Ben Armstrong reveals the identity of the Shiba Inu founder – Here’s the truth

BitBoy Crypto, a top influencer in the cryptocurrency space, has made what he calls a groundbreaking discovery by uncovering the identity of the elusive founder of the popular meme coin, Shiba Inu. The identity of the founder has been the subject of much speculation and controversy, with many claiming to know who it is, but BitBoy Crypto claims to have definitive proof.

The statement was made in a recent video on his YouTube channel, where BitBoy Crypto stated that he had received information from a reliable source that revealed the true identity of the founder of Shiba Inu. He claimed that one founder is a person named Neyma Jahan, who has hidden his identity fearing for his and his family’s safety.

The long road to discovery

The Alameda Open Sea account was the key to unlocking the identity of the Shiba Inu founder, according to the influencer. The account was linked to both disgraced crypto figure Sam Bankman-Fried and Ryoshi, the founder of Shiba Inu. While many believed that Sam was the founder, BitBoy discovered that he was heavily involved in the project from the beginning, but was not the actual founder.

BitBoy agreed that there was an overlap between Sam and Ryoshi, but they are not the same person. He explained that the early days of Shiba Inu were loose and disorganized, with little control over who had access to wallets and who controlled them. This led to confusion over the true identity of the founder.

The influencer stated that he had been researching the identity of the Shiba Inu founder for some time and that there was a lot of misinformation and conspiracy theories surrounding the topic. He had received tips and clues from various sources, but none of them had panned out until now.

The breakthrough came when he received a message from a YouTuber who had interviewed Neyma Jahan about his project, Unification. The YouTuber stated that Jahan had contacted him after the launch of Shiba Inu and asked him to delete all videos related to Unification. This led BitBoy Crypto to believe that Jahan was the founder of Shiba Inu.

See the context

BitBoy Crypto provided evidence to support his claim, showing that Jahan was heavily involved in Karma DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that launched many projects in the crypto space. He also revealed that Jahan had been involved in giving advice on how to create ICOs and how to make a ton of money off other people.

Furthermore, he showed that Jahan had been involved in the launch of Serum, a decentralized exchange that was launched through Karma DAO. This was significant because Shiba Inu was also launched through Karma DAO, and there was a lot of overlap between the two projects.

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