Alethea AI debuts generative AI on the Polygon blockchain

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Alethea AI has teamed up with blockchain company Polygon to bring the power of generative AI to AI-grade non-fungible tokens (NFT).

The agreement will enable millions of artificially intelligent collectibles to be easily minted on Polygon, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.

Alethea AI and Polygon are creating an AI Collectibles campaign, allowing anyone to quickly create, train and trade AI characters as NFTs on Polygon. Alethea AI received development funding from Polygon to carry out the AI ​​character project.

“Since we last talked, what’s different now is the character’s body is generated from the prompt” from the user, Arif Khan, CEO of Alethea AI, said in an interview with GamesBeat. “And the personality is also generated from the question. So it’s like a full character creator, just from the prompt. Previously, users created the personality, gave it a name, gave it habits, this and that. So now the user goes into police officer and it generates everything .”

Alethea AI uses generative AI to create avatars.

The AI ​​characters are generated using Alethea AI’s recently launched Generative AI System CharacterGPT, a multimodal text-to-character system that goes beyond traditional text-to-image engines such as Open AI’s Dall-E 2 or Stability AI’s stable diffusion model. Alethea AI has been working with the AI ​​technology for almost four years.


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CharacterGPT enables users to generate fully interactive and intelligent AI characters with a single-line natural language prompt. Users can generate free AI characters on the newly launched AI protocol dApp and then mint them as NFTs on Polygon. It generates both the visual and the “personality”.

To demonstrate this, a one-of-a-kind AI Collectible by Sandeep Nailwal, the co-founder of Polygon, is now live on the dApp, as a tokenized digital twin. Sandeep’s AI Collectible is based on his writings, public statements and interviews.

It can educate millions of users simultaneously on the benefits of using Polygon’s blockchain ecosystem and share anecdotal wisdom on Nailwal’s entrepreneurial journey. As more users interact with Nailwal’s Digital Twin, the underlying AI gradually becomes more intelligent over time, Khan said.

Nailwal said in a statement, “Generative AI is developing at a rapid pace and has the potential to profoundly impact our lives in the coming years. I have seen firsthand how Alethea AI has developed this technology over the past few years, and through their CharacterGPT AI engine users will be able to create interactive characters in seconds. We’re excited to continue supporting Alethea as it builds on Polygon and to bring the power and potential of generative AI to our thriving ecosystem.”

Nailwal’s tokenized AI Collectible comes with an on-chain and verified proof of ownership, represented as a gold badge on the dApp’s interface, which is meant to show that his AI-generated likeness and intelligence were generated with his permission.

The AI ​​Collectible sits in Nailwal’s Web3 wallet on Polygon, which he owns and controls. Given the legitimate criticism that generative AI companies receive for training their models on datasets without explicit consent from users, the Verified Digital Twin of Sandeep Nailwal is the first of its kind launched by Alethea AI and its partners on the AI ​​Protocol: a property rights and ownership for Generative AI which is now live on Polygon.

Ahmad Matyana, CEO of Alethea AI, said in a statement: “Generative AI needs a digital property rights backbone to not only empower users to bring their imaginations to life, but also to own their creations. With CharacterGPT, users can now create interactive, intelligent characters that can act as their AI companions, digital guides, or as in-game NPCs.Launching on Polygon, we now allow these users to not only create characters for the purpose of training AI engines, but to own them as AI collectibles in the wallet. We believe a multimodal system like CharacterGPT will herald a Cambrian explosion in character and IP creation, supported by a decentralized model of ownership and governance.”

Every AI character generated on CharacterGPT is fully compatible with the newly deployed smart contracts of the AI ​​protocol on Polygon. Alethea AI believes that the AI ​​protocol will serve as the underlying connective tissue that will enable NFTs to “come alive” as interactive media assets, with on-chain personality traits, interoperability across different dApps, powerful generative capabilities, and when it applies to Digital Twins: verification of consent in the chain.

The types of AI collectibles that can be generated on Polygon using Alethea AI’s CharacterGPT AI system are limitless, Khan said. Celebrities can choose to create their own digital twins who are allowed to interact with their fans in a scalable way, IP owners can create licensed interactive characters to serve as digital companions for their fans, users can create Siri-like or Alexa- similar assistants that can be deployed in their homes, museums and cultural institutions can bring historical figures to life to interact in real time with their visitors and metaverses and game environments can quickly deploy engaging NPCs to interact and go on quests with users, increasing the engagement and retention in their gaming environments.

The uses of Alethea AI’s character creator.

Alethea AI is headquartered in Singapore, but most of its 70 people are spread around the world. The company has raised $32 million to date.

Khan said Alethea AI has already trained its large language model with users via crowdsourced training that the company did last year with the community and OpenAI’s technology. In that sense, much of the answers have been corrected for better accuracy. Now users can create their AI characters and create them easily to establish ownership of the characters. Minting costs and environmental costs have fallen over time thanks to Ethereum’s recent proof of stake shift and the growth of transactions, Khan said.

“The flywheel has gotten stronger, and we’ve created an intelligence layer that’s extremely powerful,” he said. “We collected 15 million API calls, 118 million API tokens were consumed, and we collected about half a million datasets to expand the conversation datasets. Now developers and creators can build on this intelligence layer we call CharacterGPT.”

Now the character creator can generate a new character in about a minute. You can then start having a chat conversation with the character and then try using it for a variety of things, from game avatars to e-commerce chatbots. Khan showed me in a demo how easy it was.

“You saw how simple the process was, and this means it will be much easier for creators and consumers to create any kind of application, whether it’s a companion, coach or a character in the metaverse,” Khan said.

For example, you can play chess with a virtual Alan Turing character. For Khan, this has been a long journey to get here. The first AI character, Alice, took about a year to create. Then it took six months or so to get better at it. Now it takes a minute.

“We have democratized character creation and we have massive scale and tremendous speed,” he said. “Just as essay generation has been somewhat democratized by Chad GPT. This is an exponential curve.”

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