2023 blockchain trends leading to success

In 2023, blockchain will no longer be a marketing tool. In the past (2016-2022), companies put words like blockchain, digital currency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc., front and center in their pitch decks because it helped them receive investment dollars.

But as 2022 draws to a close, it’s clear that these trends from the past aren’t going to persist into the new year. Why? Because most retail investors have lost significant amounts of money on “blockchain, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc.” projects, and many institutional investors who have made equity investments are losing money because the companies they have invested in have since filed for bankruptcy.

Blockchain Trends 2023

These days, attaching the typical blockchain buzzwords to your pitch or business in some way, shape or form tends to do your business more of a disservice than it adds value or increases interest in your offerings. Too many investors have been burned by blockchain buzzword offerings of the past that failed to deliver or under-delivered in a way that resulted in the loss of their original investment.

This does not mean that blockchain must be eliminated from your business if it is used in a way that actually increases efficiency, reduces costs, increases community, or increases brand awareness. However, it does mean that these aspects of the business don’t need to be over-marketed – or even marketed to the public.

What needs to be marketed is the business solution that the company has created; Why does the market need this solution? Why is it better than the existing solutions in the market? Why is the team that created the solution qualified to deliver this solution? Marketing these elements of your business and finding a way to communicate the value in the platform or service you offer to audiences who will find value in using it will go a long way in 2023.

Blockchain buzzwords: why did this phenomenon last so long?

The only reason the blockchain buzzword phenomenon flourished for so long was because most projects using buzzwords allowed investors to either take equity or buy coins/tokens from a company that actually went public. This allowed investors to experience gains that rivaled being an early investor in a company listing on a US stock exchange. The biggest difference between blockchain buzzword companies and c-corps looking to go public was that in the blockchain world, both the businesses and investors were not explicitly subject to the same lock-in periods that make it mandatory for them to wait approx. 180 days before they can sell their shares into the market. The companies that use blockchain buzzwords can implicitly bypass the enormous amounts of paperwork, underwriters and more needed for an IPO to take place in traditional stock markets.

In other words, blockchain buzzword companies usually give investors a pretty good chance to make significant amounts of money in very short periods of time without having to jump through the hoops and navigate the waters that both companies and investors typically need to work through when raising money and sell shares in both public and private markets in the United States.

Digital Asset Outlook for 2023

I don’t think blockchain was ever meant to be a marketing show pony; just as programming languages ​​such as JavaScript are not typically the front and center marketing pieces of most tech companies, and like those programming languages, blockchain is meant to be used by businesses, somewhere in their technology stack or business operations to improve efficiency or reduce costs; or, if I am sympathetic to many of the consumer-facing applications we see today, I will recognize that blockchain can be used to expand community, increase brand awareness, drive engagement, and increase sales.

With everything that has taken place in the digital asset industry through 2022, the mood and majority of the conversation around anything that screams blockchain or “crypto” is negative. In 2023, companies and investors will have to take a new approach; blockchain buzzwords are going to need to take a back seat while the services and platforms created need to be in the spotlight and occupy the lion’s share of the pitch and marketing around it.

See: BSV Global Blockchain Convention panel, Blockchain for Digital Transformation of Nations

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New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeeks Bitcoin for beginners section, the ultimate resource guide for learning more about Bitcoin – as originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto – and blockchain.

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