0xMahjong NFT Starts Free Coin, Mahjong Meta Game Expects Funding Exceeding Ten Million Dollars

After a half-month beta period, the blockchain-based Riichi Mahjong esports project, Mahjong Meta, will launch free minting of its first Pass NFT on the Ethereum network on May 27.

After a half-month beta period, the blockchain-based Riichi Mahjong esports project, Mahjong Meta, will launch free minting of its first Pass NFT on the Ethereum network on May 27.

Users holding this NFT will receive continuous rights and interests throughout all stages of Mahjong Meta’s development. Known rewards include various types of NFTs and the first airdrop of future governance tokens, etc. This Pass series is a thank you to early community users of Mahjong Meta for their support.

0xMahjong is the generational collection of Mahjong Meta and the starting project of Janshi Club Collections. 1500 by 0xMahjong displays 144 different traditional Mahjong pieces and 6 sides of dice in modern design, reflecting the original spirit and cultural signatures of the Mahjong game.

Mahjong Meta promises that all issued Pass NFTs are free to create. Various Free to Play modules have also been set up in the game. The project hopes to allow mahjong game lovers to join the Mahjong Meta community without any barriers and enjoy mahjong e-sports. The economic system of Mahjong Meta revolves around the principle of proof of contribution, and an active points system is set up in the game to reward players who contribute value to the community at each stage.

Brice Vong, the main planner of Mahjong Meta and co-founder of Rolling Dice Labs, has many years of investment experience in the entertainment and gaming industries at Tencent Games and other investment institutions. Vong said:

“The reason for choosing Mahjong as the first product of Rolling Dice Labs is that the team believes that Mahjong, a game based on strategy and probability, has a natural beauty in mathematics. The fun of strategy, social interaction, deduction and cultural symbols have been tested in time. Mahjong Meta aims to create a blockchain-based Riichi Mahjong esports community and mahjong theme park built together with players, supported by blockchain-based asset verification and ownership economy, following the philosophy of Play to Own & Skill to Earn.”

In Mahjong Meta, global mahjong enthusiasts will be able to prove their skills through various modes such as ranking matches, tournaments, championships, etc. Under a performance-oriented mechanism, they can also receive various rewards such as NFT, season bonuses, competition bonuses, management currency pool, etc. Mahjong Meta’s newly original Tama Master game combines the mathematical logic of Mahjong with customized AI strategic thinking, so that different NFT skill card combinations reflect each player’s understanding of mahjong strategies and tactics, and to conduct automatic mahjong matches to verify the effectiveness of strategies. Tama Master is a new derivative game of Mahjong with a lower threshold for participation, less time required and more efficient competition. In current tests, it has been well received by non-East Asian traditional mahjong players. In the future, there will be various derivative innovative games in Mahjong Meta, including Mahjong Challenge matches, Mahjong Battle Royal and Duet Battles, which fulfill the goal of creating a Mahjong culture blockchain theme park.

Mahjong Meta is expected to officially start services in the summer of 2023. Currently, users can directly enter the game for BETA testing on the official website.

The game design, community concept, economic model and team of Mahjong Meta have been recognized by several investors including Folius, Meteorite labs and Parallel Ventures. Together with an angel round investment, the total funding exceeds ten million dollars. The lead investor in this round, Folius, was founded by Mr. Jason Kam. Previous investment projects include representative web3 projects such as StepN, NEAR, Nanse, Scroll, etc. Meteorite Labs is a research-oriented web3 investment institution established in Tokyo. It is also an early investor in web3 projects including StepN, Fusionist, Serum, Aki Protocol and Rss3. Parallel Ventures was established in 2018. It focuses on Web3 infrastructures and innovative applications, investing in projects including Conflux, Cobo, Keystone, Impossible Finance, etc.

About Rolling Dice Labs

Rolling Dice Labs is a web3 gaming startup created by former Tencent and Netease employees. With Mahjong Meta, they intend to nurture a community of mahjong lovers while offering a stable and secure gaming environment. Mahjong fans can now test their talents in new game modes and compete for stake rewards.

For more information, visit Mahjong Meta’s website and follow them further Twitter for updates.

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