Lady Ape NFT Pre-order extended until July 16 at STRMNFT Marketplace

Lady Ape NFT Pre-order extended until July 16 at STRMNFT Marketplace

STRMNFT, a new generation NFT marketplace developed by blockchain company StreamCoin, recently announced that the Lady Ape Club (LAC) NFT pre-order will be extended to July 16, giving users enough time to secure one Lady Ape before the sale starts.

As of July 18, a total of 9,000 LAC NFTs will be available for sale on the STRMNFT marketplace. However, some members were concerned that they might not be able to buy during the sale if all the monkeys were sold out in a short time. For this reason, StreamCoin made the pre-order available to its qualified users, who were among the early entrants.

Eligible users include anyone who has been whitelisted by the TNC Group, including ICO and STRM Staking participants. TNC Group has been an investor and partner in StreamCoin since early 2022, and it is also the company behind the art team that has designed the LAC NFTs.

STRMNFT has clarified that ICO and STRM Staking participants must use the same email they used to participate in these events to register for STRMNFT. This step is necessary to submit the pre-order request because users need to confirm that they are eligible in the marketplace to receive their Lady Ape.

After the pre-order period ends, the official LAC NFT sale on STRMNFT will start on July 18. For whitelisted members who have not pre-ordered a Lady Ape NFT yet, the company has provided a step-by-step guide here, which also includes additional information such as the price and number of NFTs each user can pre-order.

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The company also said that those who were not able to pre-order a Lady Ape NFT will still have a chance to buy on STRMNFT when the sale starts.

In addition, the STRMNFT marketplace sends 10,000 Aurora Cat NFTs to users who want to join the license list. Interested users can participate by visiting STRMNFT’s official website and clicking on “Join the permission list” and then filling out the required form.

After the first week of July 2022, STRMNFT was able to exceed the original target of 10,000 registered users on the platform. Registration started on May 31, and users got the chance to create their own NFTs on the platform for free. However, this free minting feature is expected to expire in July.

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