How are LuluLand and Alien Secret Society NFTs doing?

The allure of blockchain-based non-fungible tokens (NFTs) refuses to die down. Although cryptocurrencies have lost massive value in 2022, new NFT launches have kept enthusiasts busy.

A few of the new NFT collections belong to big names such as actor Bill Murray and singer Madonna. Nickelodeon NFTs were also released last month, and assets related to famous jewelry brand Tiffany’s are also on the block now. However, today let’s explore two collections related to relatively less popular and brand new brands.

The names are LuluLand and Alien Secret Society. Let’s explore.

LuluLand World NFTs

LuluLand is a digital city that exists in the wider metaverse of The Sandbox. It bills itself as an “advertising solution” in Web 3.0, as well as being an immersive space with games, virtual land and digital assets. LuluLand began minting its “Genesis” premium passes in May of this year. The pass holders could win digital items in the game such as “Lulusword”.

Last week, LuluLand also held an AMA (Ask Me Anything), which featured giveaways such as LuluLand’s Village Hall NFTs. It is noteworthy that an apparently separate set of NFTs, not to be confused with LuluLand, is available on Binance’s NFT platform. It is titled Lulu Market Limited Land and it provides land NFTs from Lulu Market.

also read: Tiffany, Nickelodeon NFTs — 2 last collections on the block

Alien Secret Society NFTs – Are They Expensive?

This project bills itself as an “exclusive” business club, also called A$$. The project seems to have followed in the footsteps of CryptoPunk and BAYC. In Alien Secret Society, NFTs (which are 9,999 in number) are attached to alien characters, with their unique characteristics based on traits.

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It is claimed that some of these Alien NFTs will grant privileges such as access to exclusive events in the A$$ Club. The project uses the services of Ethereum for minting NFTs. Currently, Alien Secret Society assets are traded on OpenSea after their initial minting and public sale in December 2021.

The floor price of the assets on OpenSea’s marketplace is 0.04 ETH, at the time of writing. This is very less compared to the prices that the assets of CryptoPunk and other popular names that Beeple have traded at.

Sale price of Beeple's NFTs

The bottom line

LuluLand World NFTs were released in May 2022, but the collection could not have an impact like Beeple’s or Pak’s artwork. A separate Lulu Market project is also selling land NFTs, and its success or failure will become apparent in the coming months. On the other hand, Alien Secret Society NFTs seem to have failed to attract high bids from enthusiasts.

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