Neo enters the world of decentralized identities with its

Neo enters the world of decentralized identities with its

Shanghai, China, Sept. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Neo, one of the most established blockchains in the world, today announces its entry into the world of decentralized digital identities with its NFT-based Neo Name Service (NeoNS) – the service provider for the first name of Neo N3, the latest version of the Neo protocol. NeoNS will offer a more streamlined, efficient and functional experience within the Neo ecosystem and beyond.

NeoNS will complement the all-in-one, feature- and dapp-rich ecosystem, adding to the range of developer- and user-friendly solutions such as decentralized oracles, NeoFS and NeoID. With the launch of NeoNS, Neo joins other leading chains such as Ethereum and Solana in building key Web3 infrastructure that allows individuals to move around the web with greater ease, freedom, security and privacy.

Similar to competing products on Ethereum and Solana, NeoNS will provide users with an easy-to-remember way to collect Neo N3 wallets in one place, removing the need to remember and store long and complex addresses. Businesses will also benefit from NeoNS NFT built-in domain ownership which ensures that no one other than the domain owner can time or censor the content associated with the domain. NeoNS works with new domains, but also allows linking of already existing DNS domains or files under decentralized domain aliases.

Web3 Identity is owned and controlled by you

Neo’s N3-hosted domains will use the top-level domain extension – .neo, – managed exclusively by the Neo Committee, which is voted in by the NEO token holders. Users will register their subdomains with these top-level extensions to create domain names like – for example – hello.neo and launch multiple sub-subdomains like home.hello.neo. Each of the human-readable subdomains can be assigned as an alias to any record stored on the N3 blockchain, such as wallet addresses, dapp addresses, or decentralized files. This will allow developers to better organize data used for their dapps.

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Unlike traditional centralized domain names, all registered .neo subdomains will be minted on N3 as NFTs, fully owned by users. The NFT domain format means that domain ownership can be easily transferred between wallets and traded like any other type of NFT. Each domain is stored directly in the user’s wallet instead of on a centralized server where traditional domains are stored.

Helping solve Web3’s UX problem

As the sole owner of the .neo subdomain, the user has full freedom to decide what a given domain links to, while all information stored under the alias is proof of censorship and third-party control, meaning that no centralized authority can delete or make the information unavailable.

Whether it’s about having a human-readable wallet address, mapping .neo domain to content like an NFT gallery, or using NeoNS for better organization of decentralized files and N3 dapp-related information, Neo makes navigating Web3 more user-friendly and intuitive. Neo believes that such user-friendly organization of blockchain information is a milestone for blockchain UX that enters the realm of “the known” and enters the next generation of mainstream web3 users.

About Neo:

Founded as Antshares in 2014, Neo is an open source community-driven blockchain platform known for putting developers and builders at the heart of its vision. As one of the most established blockchains in the space, Neo has long focused on building an interoperable, dApp-rich ecosystem. Neo is now the most functional blockchain platform for building decentralized applications. The platform allows developers to digitize and automate the management of assets through smart contracts and to code in traditional web2 languages. It also provides powerful native infrastructures such as decentralized storage, oracles and domain name service, creating a solid foundation for the next generation Internet.

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For any questions about this release, please contact josh.adams (at)

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