Make Money On Games Through Blockchain Technology: A Beginner’s Guide | The Guardian Nigeria News

Make Money On Games Through Blockchain Technology: A Beginner’s Guide |  The Guardian Nigeria News


Gaming has evolved from a simple leisure activity into a multi-billion dollar industry, captivating millions of players worldwide. Despite these developments, gaming monetization has often been a contentious issue involving concerns about unfair distribution and lack of transparency.

Players in the traditional gaming ecosystem only benefit from playing the game. The revenue from the games goes to the creators, leaving the players in a vacuum.

Enter Blockchain technology that offers a potential solution by providing decentralized platforms that empower both players and developers. This technology is changing the face of the gaming sector and giving it a whole new dimension.

The trend has the influence to usher in economic freedom in developing economies like ours, where unemployment is a millstone. Properly utilized, it can be liberating for the African youth.

Popularly known as “Play-to-Earn” or “GameFi”, it is the next big thing coming to the Blockchain space. This beginner’s guide will explore how it is revolutionizing the gaming industry, creating new monetization opportunities and enabling players to own their in-game assets.

A brief explanation of Blockchain technology

Blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but its potential extends far beyond digital currencies. At its core, a Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed public ledger that records transactions transparently and securely. This decentralized nature eliminates intermediaries and provides increased security and transparency. Therefore, anyone can verify what information is on the Blockchain.

Simply put, Blockchain technology delivers inclusivity in a permissionless way where anyone can participate. With peer-to-peer (p2p) disposition, it provides a censorship-resistant system for everyone, regardless of geographic jurisdiction.

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Ownership and digital scarcity

One of the key benefits of Blockchain technology in gaming is the concept of authentic ownership and digital scarcity. In traditional games, assets are controlled and owned by game developers or publishers, limiting players’ authority and ability to monetize their investments.

The only incentive for players is to play the games they pay for and the associated enjoyment of playing. They have no economic benefits from being part of the ecosystem.

With Blockchain, in-game assets can be represented as unique tokens or Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), allowing players to own and transfer them. This process creates opportunities for players to buy, sell and trade assets both securely and transparently.

Play to earn

Blockchain technology facilitates “play-to-earn” as a concept, where players can earn rewards and digital assets by playing games. Through Blockchain-based platforms, players can receive tokens or NFTs as rewards for achieving in-game missions, milestones or completing tasks.

These assets can then be sold or traded outside of the game for local currencies, allowing players to monetize their gaming skills and investments. Play-to-earn models empower players financially and redefine the relationship between players and developers.

It adopts the idea of ​​an open economy, which means that games are not just a mode of having fun. Consequently, it is a means for players to accumulate valuable assets that can be transferred to the real world as an invaluable resource.

Decentralized gaming platforms

Technology has become more accessible to the world, even in developing countries. Previously, games were only available on arcade machines in gaming centers, but the gaming revolution has arrived on smartphones, home computers and gaming consoles for individuals.

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Blockchain-based gaming platforms are emerging as alternatives to traditional centralized gaming. These platforms leverage the decentralized nature of Blockchain to provide fair and transparent gaming experiences.

Through smart contracts, games can be developed with built-in mechanisms for reward distribution, asset ownership and governance, which ensures a level playing field for all participants. These platforms also enable developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) to engage directly with players and retain greater control over their creations.

Challenges and future prospects

While Blockchain technology holds enormous promise for the gaming industry, several challenges remain. Problems like scalabilityuser experience and regulatory frameworks need to be addressed for widespread use.

Furthermore, developers are gradually understanding the concept of GameFi. Understanding these mechanisms will help them gravitate towards more cutting-edge Blockchain integrations that seek to establish sustainable economies, earning importance and ownership of assets.

As technology advances and solutions evolve, the potential for monetizing games through Blockchain continues to grow. The future holds exciting opportunities where players can own their virtual assets, developers can create sustainable revenue streams, and the gaming industry can become more inclusive and transparent.


Blockchain technology is reshaping the gaming landscape, offering players and developers new avenues for monetization and ownership. With Blockchain, players can earn rewards, exchange assets and enjoy a more immersive and fair gaming experience.

Developers can leverage Blockchain to create decentralized platforms that empower players and themselves. Although there are challenges, the potential of Blockchain in gaming is undeniable.

As the technology matures and usage increases, players can look forward to a future where their skills and investments are recognized and rewarded. The gaming industry is on the way to a revolution, and Blockchain technology is leading the way.
Follow Frisco d’Anconia further Twitter to ask questions about Blockchain and Web3 technologies.

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